Since they shut out Linux players last week. Taking away access to things someone bought, used and can't use anymore because of something the supplier did could be interpreted as theft.

The article being from the US, after I read that that woman shoved the bikes to the ground, I was mentally prepared to read that she got shot.

Wildest thing is that the cyclists were on public ground and she doesn't want them there. Why do you care, lady? Why would someone else stop to berate the cyclists as well? Were they in an ani-cycling cult town?

ich🧱iel (

Wasn't that Reagan? I'm not in the US, so please take this as a genuine question. So far, I've heard nothing as bad about Clinton regarding economics.

Even though I knew the context, I'm kinda scared that might happen here too (we don't have that much guns here, but people have ways...). Just remember what happened to Shinzo Abe in Japan, where gun laws are very strict and the shooter just went and built a blunderbuss.

Whatever the reasons of that certain shooter, it's plausible that some ultra-right nutjob would want to kill Weidel because of her being "not extreme enough" or her homosexuality (that's a fact, btw.) and accidentially make her a martyr.

Not where this bridge is built. This looks like a German autobahn, so the closest thing to a tiger crossing that is either a lynx or a fox.

Contains overdramatization and slight exaggerations

Cheapest flights possible to the cheapest "vacation" island possible. Vacation as in

  • drinking until you can't even pronounce "hi"
  • habitual disturbance of locals and other guests
  • being fleeced by club owners and everyone else because you have "tourist" stamped on your forehead
  • sleeping off the night by the pool and pre-game from midday to evening
  • only eating (and drinking) the same stuff as at home, because fuck other cultures who don't know how to make a kebab/Schnitzel/...
  • coming back after 10 days of daze, hangovers and (optional) all-inclusive buffets

Did I forget something?

Super easy, barely an inconvenience.

I get that reference, but also I'd like to support the statement. I've sat on my couch for 2-3 days, frozen peas in my lap and just took it slow. A week later I could barely tell that anything changed.

It would set a precedent for valve just pulling the plug on a game/marketplace. If all your digital collectibles in a game, some "worth" thousands of dollars can't be accessed/used, everyone would start fire sales on their other inventories.

Just use Millimeter, like a professional.

Draft soldiers of Germany are not allowed to operate outside of our own borders and are used to fill the gaps that stem from professional soldiers working abroad. The Bundeswehr and especially the draftees can only be used for peacekeeping, humanitarian aid and defense.

Regarding the newest developments in that ordeal, no.

Had to be done... (
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