[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 32 points 1 month ago

it's 2% milk, 98% mystery fun


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12495381 at Blaze's mention.

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, and is why I'm featuring this post and leaving it open to comments. I may update this as people make suggestions, and I encourage others to make their own variations on this list in the comments or in their respective versions of this community.

Also to clarify some terms here, by active I'm aiming for at least some commenting on recent-ish posts, not merely recent posts, and by the topic names...I'll let the linked communities serve as examples.

🎨 Creative Communities 🎨





🗿 Humanities 🗿

History & Anthropology



Religion & Spirituality

😄 Entertainment 😄
Reading and Listening





🏅 Sports 🏅

Hope this helps any newcomers find some different communities to join and participate in!

p.s. although it's now out of date, as some instances are no longer around (RIP Lemmy.film), this post is still a pretty useful resource for a broader range of communities than those listed here.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world to c/anime@ani.social

...It's not too bad after all. Nothing groundbreaking, but okay for what it is.

I think if you liked it and wanted a little more mature approach you have some good options to go to from here, whether that's Samurai Flamenco or Tiger & Bunny. Not that into superheroes, so there's undoubtedly more, but those are a couple others I'd checked out before getting around to MHA.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

I dunno how many here have given it a try yet, or simply don't ever intend to but are nevertheless a little curious, so I'm putting down some notes here.

Very basics:

  1. It's very much a Twitter clone on the surface.
  2. It may depend on your setup, but in my experience I did not have to provide a phone number to sign up.

Onboarding details:

  1. Onboarding is pretty traditional social media, pick some interests, it pulls some accounts it associates with those and has them set to be followed unless you opt not to.
  2. It diverges slightly in that it then tells you your default feed will be Following with settings to disable showing replies/reposts/quote posts if you like (defaults are to display all of these).
  3. Where it gets much different is that it then offers you a selection of custom feeds to make your Main Feeds. For a very rough analogy, these can be a little like communities here or subreddits on Reddit, with more involved under the surface producing them.
  4. This analogy is made more apparent with "Topical Feeds" that try to relate to your previously selected interests.
  5. Lastly some basic adult/graphic content settings that let you adjust whether to show them outright, warn about them, or hide them completely (i.e. not display in your feeds at all). Defaults, aside from non-sexual nudity, are set to not display any of this and hide it all.

Actual use:

  1. Besides more granular graphic content filtering and emphasis on custom feeds, it's pretty much like Twitter or Mastodon/Misskey/etc.
  2. You can kinda "lock" your account to make it less visible to those outside of Bluesky, but that's the closest to limited visibility you'll find at the moment so far as I could tell.
  3. Unlike say, Twitter and Mastodon et al: you can't block/mute people from their posts, you have to go to their profile to do so.
    10.1. Unlike Mastodon/Misskey/etc.: You can't limit the reach of your posts, so they're all maximally public, no option to post only to followers, no option to have replies be unlisted so they don't kinda spam up follower feeds, etc.
    10.2. You currently can't upload gifs/short videos, though you can link them.
    10.3. No audio posts either from what I gather (an option on Mastodon and I'd imagine Misskey and the like as well).
  4. Despite missing those details, it does have similar levels of filtering tools to stuff like Mastodon, and more streamlined exchange of blocklists.
  5. Also while you can't limit the reach of your posts, you can limit who can respond to them.

Some miscellaneous quirks
Something not mentioned as much is that the custom feeds are, at least at the moment, not really user friendly to try to make yourself. These very much have a vibe of something more tech-oriented people may make for others to use, even with the Skyfeed app to ease their creation. If anything the fact something like Skyfeed exists is some evidence of this.

The trick is, the custom feeds are genuinely more flexible than lists of accounts or followed hashtags/terms on Misskey or Mastodon, but at the moment Bluesky's custom feeds seem kind of underutilized. Many of the custom feeds could simply be lists as found elsewhere.

Not sure how much of that is because the only existing platform using the AuthTransfer Protocol is Bluesky, technical challenge, or something else, but that's the state of many of them for now.

Oh, and presently there's no DMs, just as a stray detail to mention. Skimming convos I got the sense it may be to avoid giving people the sense of any private communications on there.

Also despite all these feeds and a more centralized model (dependent presently only on Bluesky's relay), there's still a sentiment from some there of the place being empty and lacking engagement. In the time I was poking about it, one of the "viral" posts in my discover feed was someone there, amusingly much like here and elsewhere on the fediverse, reminding people they have to engage/talk to others to get any engagement.

Some things really don't change where you go online.

My overall takeaway thus far is that it's pretty much par for the course with microblogging platforms, and not necessarily the best first showing of what the AuthTransfer protocol might really enable. Especially not with its lacking reach/privacy controls, not that any federated social media makes sense to promote as highly private, but still, some controls are better than none.


Heya, I'm really good at inconsistency, so instead of a weekly thread, sporadic thread! Thought I'd toss one over and see what we see.

Tried any new foods, games, music, software? Finally made that mobile DJ setup so you're bangin' out beats as you ride your unicycle?

Finished that model you've been putting off for forever?

Or did you finally get your sleep schedule back on track and now you're too awake and want to wreck it again?


Been going back and forth on this, as personally I don't have much problem with politics posts and discussions. I know how they can get, and some of why people dislike them, but nevertheless...To not discuss politics enables the worst among us to take the reigns and drag us all over the cliff.

Given that, I'd like to pick apart what may be meant when people say politics. It's a can of worms, so to try to focus things a little, let's say, is it when they're distinctly partisan that disliking them may be meant?

Something you find across the board is the sentiment that a lot of political journalism has very blatant partisan-leanings, and for some organizations there's zero doubt of that.

I should also take a moment to clarify here, when I say partisan, I mean any strongly held political views, not merely left or right, but also including moderate/centrist.

Or is it slightly less the kind that matters, and more the volume of it, pervading every discussion? Especially when one may already be aware and trying to address it in their own ways, and is visiting an online community to get a little respite.

What's your take on this?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world to c/general@lemmy.world

Taking a note from our fellow community Casual Conversation (now on Lemm.ee), I've added a few links to our sidebar under Additional Discussion Focused Communities to a few more specific discussion communities people might be interested in.

In the spirit of federation, these communities are all remote, that is, located off-site from Lemmy World, while remaining connected and accessible to those here on Lemmy World.

The communities added to the sidebar are found below:

💬 Additional Discussion Focused Communities:

Also of note, this wasn't at anyone's request, so if any of the moderators from these communities would prefer removal from this post and the sidebar, they may message me and I'll do so accordingly.

Please remember that if you decide to participate in any of these communities to respect their rules and the rules of their instance, and that Lemmy World rules still apply in remote instance interactions.

p.s. if you're in growing communities you'd like to get more people participating in, feel free to reply to this thread with links to them!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world to c/videos@lemmy.world

Today, we’re releasing an open labeling system on Bluesky. “Labeling” is a key part of moderation; it is a system for marking content that may need to be hidden, blurred, taken down, or annotated in applications. Labeling is how a lot of centralized moderation works under the hood, but nobody has ever opened it up for anyone to contribute. By building an open source labeling system, our goal is to empower developers, organizations, and users to actively participate in shaping the future of moderation.

In this post, we’ll dive into the details on how labeling and moderation works in the AT Protocol.


...Which foods? A variety, or would it all be the same perfect food in an unending supply?

Think like a food delivery service but it magically provided the buffet items as needed.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world to c/general@lemmy.world

...This post, but what is it??? It's clickbait! Unless you wanna talk about the weekend.

It's brought to us by workers, and...It should be longer! Do you create your own weekends with every spare moment? Besides doomscrurking (ooh, or doomlulling?), what do you get up to in those moments?

I've been reading, and catching up on some movies lately.

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 29 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Unfortunately I remember during people moving from Reddit to Lemmy, several people on Mastodon trying to warn others away from doing so due to its lacking moderation tools, and some mainly focusing on the developers, both of which have proven to hold true in various ways.

However, at the time, there really weren't all that many federated alternatives developed enough to go to. If memory serves Kbin was kinda scrambled out to meet the moment, and it's been struggling along since then with its own issues. Aside from those, there were a couple centralized options with Tildes and Postmill being open source, but some were understandably wary of moving to yet another site with a centralized structure (and one of those closed source alternatives people did try out didn't last long).

Now it's kind of interesting as we see another open source centralized option developing (Discuit), Sublinks as you mention in your post, and also Piefed. It's unfortunate that first there seems to have needed to be this rough proof of concept stage before more options appeared, but with any luck they may pave the way to better, more robust sites, and maybe give Lemmy some incentive to improve itself.

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 26 points 4 months ago

gundam wing is a trip of a show

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 33 points 8 months ago

use poor messaging

Speaking of, isn't the U.S. now charging for them/requiring insurance? Add that to the mix and of course fewer will get it.

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 36 points 8 months ago

Since it appears there's precedent for this falling apart, hopefully Cleveland's government will have done their research and be prepared, albeit I'm not necessarily optimistic either.

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 36 points 9 months ago

The trails or the things leaving the trails? In either case I think they may be aircraft contrails, but I'm not sure going off the image alone.

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 28 points 11 months ago

In case anyone else doesn't keep track of Android versions by the fun nicknames, here's a Wikipedia page for the versions with numbers included. KitKat was version 4.4 of Android.

Honestly couldn't remember which numbered version this was & couldn't imagine I was alone in that, lol

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 28 points 11 months ago

Remember, doing terrible things is a-okay if you do it with professional attire, polite speech, and the right tone. Mess up any of those and you're okay to reject and write off for being unprofessional and, if you're of certain demographics, too emotional.

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 28 points 11 months ago

I don't know if I could keep that vow.

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 26 points 1 year ago

Rage engagement...That's a good way to describe it...Now what if we combine the words...Enragement!

[-] ElectroVagrant@lemmy.world 28 points 1 year ago

Ima guess that Meta’s support and brand recognition dwarfs Mastodon’s, not re-assuring and rather self absorbed imo.

Yeaaah, when I read this I was just like, "Have you been outside of Mastodon lately? The brand's not so great to those folks that have heard of it in context." Nearly every time I've seen Mastodon come up outside of Mastodon, it's to complain about it being confusing or only used by tech nerds and there's nobody worth following there.

And I personally like Mastodon, but there's no denying the brand's not reputable to many folks, and it's probably still relatively unfamiliar/unknown to a majority of folks that don't closely follow social media stuff.

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