[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 93 points 1 month ago
[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 137 points 3 months ago

Its always funny to see when the right-wingers learn a new word that is vaguely left-ish, only to proceed with throwing it around everywhere.

Makes them easier to spot.

submitted 3 months ago by Ekybio@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

After long discussion and frequent delays, the legalisation is finally here to stay.

submitted 3 months ago by Ekybio@lemmy.world to c/weedtime@lemmy.world


Took a long ass time, but at the 01.04.2024 weed will be legal in Germany!

(I hope posting of news is permitted in this case. If not, please remove)

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 106 points 3 months ago

What does "plug" mean in this context?

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 85 points 3 months ago

Whenever I read Trumps statements, I am reminded republicans lack basic human compassion. And probably a soul as well.

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 117 points 3 months ago

She knows she is doing it and doesnt care.

Like every conservative, they just want queer people dead, unless its their own children.

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 127 points 3 months ago

Republicans never had facts on anything, so they will not care about them now

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 104 points 4 months ago

Always remember:

Never trust a Republican. Ever.


Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top:

"Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?" [Y/N]

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 98 points 4 months ago

Anyone: Tries to marginally improve the world

Conservatives: "Im gonna stop you right there."

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 185 points 4 months ago

Biden: Does something good again

Repblicans, unable to stop him: "Sorry Putin, we failed you. This time."

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 90 points 5 months ago

"You have to get him pregnant"

Best 4chan compliment hands down

submitted 6 months ago by Ekybio@lemmy.world to c/mtf@lemmy.blahaj.zone


Im currently in the process of coming out! (At least to the people I trust. One step at a time ...)

So I would really like to know how it feelt for you when you embarked on that journey.

Im particularly interested in the emotional aspects of that and also how it affected your sense of self.

Especially in what happened the moment you accepted yourself.

Happy to hear your stories!

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Ekybio@lemmy.world to c/conservative@lemmy.world

An insightfull article on what pro-forced birth is actually about.

A reminder that voting GOP and wanting to reduce human suffering are mutually exclusive. The choice is yours.

Spoiler: Like always, it was never about the babies.

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 111 points 8 months ago

This might be unpopular, but here goes nothing:

With the correct and fitting (and fair) regulations, oversight by the government and accountabilit, this is a correct and more ethical decision.

Stuff costs money. For now. Infrastructure, wages, repairs, fixes, improvements, new features.

All these things dont come free and we only pay nothing DIRECTLY, because we pay in data, attention and privacy violations.

By fixing this issue, the access to all these things can be secured without the plattform falling appart or having to resort to invasive data harvesting. We could even make these practices illegal, because plattforms would not just die then.

And no, the price should not be so high to generate profit for the executives. Thats why regulation is so important.

In the Modern Age we live in, Social Media is at this point akin to an essential service and should therefore be regulated as such: No profit, but stable maintenance and secure access free from monetary interest for everyone equally.

Old fashioned (www.theatlantic.com)

Unpaywalled Version: https://archive.ph/n9NWZ

With increasing dogmatism on the far right, ideology that should have become extinct rears its ugly head. If we don't stop this, a lot of innocent people will get hurt in the end.

Making way for something new (www.telegraph.co.uk)

One of the most influetial conservative polititians speakes up about the state of affairs.

Reaping what you sow (www.rollingstone.com)

Neo-Nazis are increasingly gathering in Florida, while DeSantis fails again to denounce the open fascists in his state.

His complaicency and disregard will sooner or later be a detrement to every aspect of society and regular people will suffer the consequences, when jobs get moved out of state, investments dry up and qualified people flee for greener pastures.

War Machine Meatball (www.politico.com)

Just a reminder that this guy is a presidential candidate, while not ruling out literal acts of war.

Not the trading partner I would like dealing with ...


Assuming Trump is legally removed from running for president under the 14th Ammendment, who even can fill his shoes?

All other potential candidates from the GOP Primary Debate are terrible at economics, optics or both. No one seems really electable, so what now? Switching to blue? Not voting at all? Vote third party? Retry Jan6?

From what I see, voting red is just not a solid choice if Trump is gone.

[-] Ekybio@lemmy.world 84 points 10 months ago

Raise your hand if you are convinced this will not impact the people who pay for the blue checkmark. Meaning that a lot of Elon Fanbois / Bots / Fascists will be seen with theit shitty takes (since the checkmark pushes your comments up), while voices of reason will be dragged down further.

Twitter is rapidly becomming the new Truth Social and it's sad to watch.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Ekybio@lemmy.world to c/conservative@lemmy.world

Upvote: Yes

Downvote: No

Edit* Assuming he can legally run

Usefull Graphic (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Ekybio@lemmy.world to c/autism@lemmy.world

*Edit: I checked some of the stuff more out in detail. While some concepts on this are valid and backed up by sience, others like RSD are not. Use this as a springboard for learning, not as a valid source in itself. Yes it says so in the corner already. But spelling it out might help.

People are more complicated then a diagram from the internet. Never forget that.

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