[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 14 points 3 months ago

While I was reading this comment, I thought it was a sarcastic parody of a promotion for the software...

Then as I kept reading I realised that the lines in italics are not parody, but actually from the company.

Fuck those guys!

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 12 points 4 months ago

I found if the car is nearby, place the wet phone over the windscreen de-mister vent and then run the aircon through that vent. Doesn't have to be hot air to dry it as long as the compressor for the aircon is running... Aircon dries out the air before blowing it through the cabin so you will have bone dry air circulating around the phone pulling the moisture out by evaporation. About 10 mins is plenty. Best done idling in the shade. Don't want to sun damage the phone while trying dry it out...

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 4 months ago

Certainly not seeing you as an ass on a rant. I do aim to do better. I said it because I didn't consider you. The concept of you. A person of disability in this world. This instance. This conversation. The problem with the online world is that you don't see the other person. You take impressions. "These people have similar opinions, they must be just like me..." And in my case, "just like me" is a mid 40s able bodied white man. I see words on a screen with similar views to mine, the mind doesn't default to "dark skinned woman with paraplegia" (I have no idea who you are, just an example of who isn't me). It doesn't see that. Instead similar views is similar person.

Was that a throwaway line of "dark humour " for the lowest common denominator? Probably. But it doesn't matter because it was still hurtful.

I know I would never have thrown it out in front of my coworker Jake. The man has cerebral palsy, but we're both employed to unload that truck. He is my equal.

Why does what I think or say even have to be thought about? Probably because I was raised in a home of "different is wrong" and stereotyping. Who I became as a young man and who I want to become as I get older are 2 different things that take effort.

Thankyou for helping me with my path.

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 25 points 4 months ago

You're right, last sentence wasn't required. No need to insult those who have been inconvenienced by the cards life has dealt them. But, I'm going to own my mistake and leave it up. No sneaky shameful edit from me. That was a cunty thing to say and I apologise that (not if) I offended you and all others I offended.

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 21 points 4 months ago

Just wear the damn helmet. Done up properly too. Don't just place it on our head so the cops leave you alone.

It's nothing to do with your skill. It's to keep you head intact when some idiot knocks you off your bike. Right of way and who is to blame don't mean shit when you're airborne heading for the pavement. Doesn't matter who fucked up when your brains are mush. You won't care because you'll be dead if you're lucky or brain damaged if you're not.

I'd rather look like a retard than become one...

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 4 months ago

Mine is just a combination of a shortened nickname from just out of high school (Donkey) and my D.O.B. Not secure, don't care... I got sick of writing out my original when logging in as it was too long. Donkey_Snickers That was back when the tagline for the Snickers chocolate bar advertisements was "Really satisfies"... I had a bit of an ego regarding my sexual prowess 20 something years ago...

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 5 months ago

The people being dicks about the fact OP mixed up a character or 2...

That is the entire point of those clone sites. To trap people like OP who make an honest mistake. Some people who don't know anything about torrenting, but "heard about it from a friend" and then trying to remember what it was called. Or people with minor dyslexia. Or any other cognitive inconvenience

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 6 points 5 months ago

The problem with Temu is all your data goes to , less reputable third parties.

I have never had so many scam calls, texts and emails in my life!

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 5 months ago

There are over 300 upvotes on this post. Why the hell does this comment have only 2 upvotes?

Are you and I the only ones who enjoy this reference?

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 38 points 8 months ago

We have flying cars... They are called helicopters... The new ones are just oversized drones (helicopters with more propellers).

Besides, Joe Average Potato-brain can't drive for shit and now you want 2 tonnes of shit falling out of the sky when some idiot fucks up?

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 14 points 8 months ago

It's supposed to be... There is usually just a monthly post announcing what changes have been made to lists. Who has been declared worthy. Who has been demoted because hidden code has been found (e.g. Bitcoin miners found, etc...)

[-] Donk240978@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 9 months ago

In what way are you stupid? You don't know what you don't know. When I was a young bloke, I was just "That weird kid..." ADHD was only just starting to be known and ASD was basically unheard of. You were either "normal" or "not normal".

People figured we were broken, but not in which way...

The hard part is when you know you are "broken" and there's nothing you can do about it...

As I say to my co-workers...

"You think you're frustrated with me? I have to live with this cunt in here!"

Don't worry about it. Have fun with it and keep the cunts guessing...

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