Never watched it because the characters all look creepy to me. I remember other kids watching "Speed Racer" back in the 70s, so I referred to as "that crappy Japanese animation style" until I learned the name for it when it really took off in the US after around 2000.

I know that makes me something of a Philistine. I'm aware that it has a rich history and millions (billions?) of devoted fans.

It still creeps me out, though.

The default is an enshittified feed that shows you algorithm-chosen content. To see the old version of facebook, tap the menu in the upper right corner, then select feeds, then select friends.

I've been going there less and less lately. They started putting ads in the notifications section as well.

[-] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I can see your comment, and I don't think that everybody on .ml is a troll. They just seem to have an awful lot of them, and I have no idea what the reason is. People arguing in bad faith, etc.

I enjoy reading the comments, but the top comments from most of the .ml-origin posts always seem to degenerate into name calling, and very quickly at that. The criticisms other people have called out further down in this thread sound accurate to me.

And clearly it isn't just me seeing this, since somebody is downvotimg your perfectly polite posts in this thread. (It isn't me.)

This is a side effect of deregulation of both corporations and the stock market. I think that we're going to see the pendulum swing towards more regulation and consumer-friendly policies here in the US. I don't see that lasting for the long-term, though. There are too many vulnerabilities in the political system that allow asshole billionaires to manipulate it.

True. I just bought a 1-year-old 330i, and it's less than my wife's Kia SUV (We live in Michigan, have three kids and two dogs, so it makes sense for us to have one big bus that can go off-road, else we'd have something smaller and electric). The BMW also costs far less than a pickup truck of the same age and mileage. US manufacturers have been transitioning out of the business of making sedans for years, because they're not popular here. It is just a sea of SUVs and pickup trucks.

I do have a subscription to all kinds of "connected car" crap for the first year, but I'm going to turn all of that junk off when I make some other modifications later this year. I think the subscription is actually pretty cheap, but I just don't want a bunch of spyware reporting back my location and speed.

[-] 6 points 2 months ago

Yep. I didn't see anything posted. Maybe my client didn't refresh correctly.

[-] 7 points 4 months ago

Yes. I've been told that by cops in prior years.

That said, things have improved enormously in the last 10 years. There is a vibrant downtown area, and fairly large pockets of redevelopment around it, with safe(-ish) and affordable housing.

[-] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yes, its daily. It took a few days to notice a difference for me, but it definitely helps me with executive function. I'm up to the max dosage after 18 months, but it's still working.

Side effects for me are nausea for maybe an hour after I take it, and major "shrinkage". Sex is a real challenge for around 8h after taking it, and it looks like I've been swimming in the Arctic sea for about that long. This isn't a major problem because I take it in the morning, but it has been occasionally frustrating. That effect wears off by evening, though, so my spouse is ok with me taking it. 🙂

I have never taken stimulants, so I can't offer a comparison there.

[-] 8 points 4 months ago

Is there a good source explaining how these drones are used in the US by the Chinese govt? Are they sold to consumers, but upload to a China-based cloud? There was zero background in that article.

[-] 5 points 4 months ago

I have been told (by my attorney) that arbitration is sometimes more expensive than filing suit. IIRC, the rationale is that arbitration can have very high fees and involve a large number of people. It was in the context of drawing up a boilerplate nda, but it has been awhile and I don't remember the details.

[-] 6 points 8 months ago

I tap them and blow on them before I put them back into their case. In case there are any little ear wax flakes. I don't tend to have much in the way out of ear wax.

[-] 7 points 8 months ago

An exercise bike has been great for me. I can pedal while I read, solve a word puzzle, or watch something on YouTube. I often will do my email that way with a computer - I bought a bike with a build-in desktop. (I think it's called "exer-work" or something like that.)

I also lift weights regularly. I manage to do that by promising myself that I only need to do one set of whatever I feel like lifting. Most of the time I want to do more once I get started, but sometimes I don't. Setting the bar really low (no pun intended) is how I have managed to form & keep the habit.

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