[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 10 points 10 months ago

I deleted all of my comments and sold off my accounts to what I presume were overseas buyers. You can get $100 USD for an account at least 5 years old with 10,000 karma. I had a few that were in the 13y +40-50k karma that got significantly more, even with all comments deleted. Just sell out and take the money

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 11 points 10 months ago

Start with the Republican congressmen who spent fucking July 4 as guests in Russia attending off-the-record meetings with Russian counterparts

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 11 points 11 months ago

Wait a minute.. Who invaded Ukraine in 2014, and again in 2021? Who illegally annexed sovereign territory? America is not blameless, but in this war they are just the arms dealer

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm going to wait and see if Toyota's alleged 1450km/900mi solid state battery is real. It is rare for Toyota to tell the public what they're working on until it's ready to roll. This could be a ploy to lower sales of competitors, but if Toyota isn't telling the truth, it will bite them. I'd love a small EV with that kind of insane range and the ability to use autonomous driving on interstates

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 10 points 11 months ago

It aims to eliminate waste by reducing the number of cords and plugs required for various devices. It will surely have to be upgraded and miniaturized as tech progresses, but for now it's one everyone is agreeing on.

One aspect to consider for miniature devices is wireless charging. My watch and my headphones don't even have a port

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

US schools teach that the atom bombs were used as an alternative to an invasion of Japan. The numbers said millions would die on both sides if the Allies staged an invasion. Instead, the largest estimated loss ended up being 226,000 Japanese.

The second bomb was dropped because the military leadership in Japan couldn't believe the destruction from one bomb wasn't just another night raid that was super effective and refused to surrender. Then the second bomb dropped, and immediate unconditional surrender was issued

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 9 points 11 months ago

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

What the Nazis did to the Jews was genocide. What the Chinese are currently doing to the Uyghurs is genocide. The Circassian genocide in Russia was happening around the same time as the US genocide of the Native Americans.

The troll doesn't understand the meaning of genocide, and doesn't understand strategic bombing. The US didn't want to extinguish the Japanese, and neither the Japanese of that era or the current era believe(d) it was genocide. They had great respect for US General Douglas MacArthur, so much so that Japanese Emperor Hirohito stood side by side with him and publicly declared his respect for his one-time opponent.

Trolls seem to think US schools don't teach this stuff. My children learned it and taught it to my immigrant ass.

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Oh my God I keep running into the same Russian troll. He posts an article that is clearly Russian propaganda, I post 5+ news sources that prove him wrong, he uses a bot net to downvote me and then tries to attack my character using anything he can. He commented, then deleted, then reposted under a different name to make it seem like it isn't one person or the same group of people. Dumb fucker doesn't realize 1)I'm Indian living in the US and 2) I can see the same 40 aliases that upvote his every word

Dude WILL NOT respond to the links, just tries to say since my account is new I don't know anything, or some other farcical straw man that doesn't counter the points I've made. We need to push back against these asshats

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 11 points 11 months ago

That is the crux of Trump's downfall: not paying his bills.

Pay your fixers, pay your muscle, and pay your mouth pieces. You can all still screw the little people, but the movers and the shakers must get paid and paid WELL.

If Trump had offered a nice sum, call it 50,000USD to the security guard, he probably would've made sure the footage was erased. If somebody's covering your ass, don't spit in their face

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 10 points 11 months ago

Does anyone actually choose to be poor if being smart is the other option? Feels like you'd already have to not be very smart to get the choice wrong.

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

Boooo paywalled article! Can we get a rule to either post a non subscription link or require OP's to post the text?

[-] DauntingFlamingo@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

#risquecrochet is my favorite part of this

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