[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 4 points 14 hours ago

Im an asshole!

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 16 points 2 days ago

Wife makes coffee by crushing beans with a rolling pin


Anyone else experience this? I haven't ever had this problem with Chrome. Live streams on YouTube seem to freeze once an hour or so. Actually YouTube just seems way slower and much more laggy on FireFox. I am using uBlock Origin so maybe that is throttling things, but I'm not sure.

Any advice?

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 76 points 2 months ago

Dave Ramsey can fuck himself. This is the same idiot that says you should give 10% of your money as tithe so that an invisible sky daddy doesn't send you to hell to burn for eternity.

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 77 points 2 months ago

Lol conservatives don't empathize

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 108 points 4 months ago

The thing I love about religion is that there are thousands of them, yet yours is the correct one? Those are pretty low odds.

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 76 points 4 months ago

Trump could cut a baby's head off on live TV and he would still get an ass ton of votes from Republicans. They are completely indoctrinated.


Seriously, is this ever coming out? I don't remember fromsoft ever being this quiet about DLC for this long


Been using Sync and love it, but there are bugs and the dev disappears for months at a time. Is Boost regularly maintained or should I just switch to a FOSS app?

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 116 points 5 months ago

Starfield is the one of the least innovative games I've ever played. How the fuck did it win that?


Poor Ratatouille

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 89 points 7 months ago

I really do hate this.

"Thank God you survived the surgery. The lord was watching over you"

"How about the surgeons? Do they get any credit?"

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 112 points 8 months ago

Can I just say I saw this on lemmy before anything. Nice job keeping up with the news!

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 83 points 9 months ago

Boomers in the 90's: Don't trust everything you see on the internet.

Boomers now: *trusts everything they see on the internet

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 111 points 9 months ago

He was too busy talking about Firefox


Seriously this is a lot of fun. It is absolutely a Bethesda game through and through. Not sure what people were expecting. I'm glad it's not like No Man's Sky because that game bored the shit out of me almost immediately.



Is this normal?

[-] Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world 77 points 10 months ago

Lemmy is home now. Loving it here.



Steam Deck had a small update last night and it completely broke the game controls. I am using the Daimyo Valheim v3 layout, which is maps everything to keyboard and mouse keys. Since the update, the on screen keyboard doesnt come up when trying to interact with a sign to change the text, and if you go into the map to try and create a pin with text, it completely breaks. You can’t exit the map most of the time but if you do, your character can’t move and most of the controls stop working.

Anyone have any ideas how to resolve, or if this issue was seen previously?

submitted 11 months ago by Cold_Brew_Enema@lemmy.world to c/gaming@lemmy.ml


Steam Deck had a small update last night and it completely broke the game controls. I am using the Daimyo Valheim v3 layout, which is maps everything to keyboard and mouse keys. Since the update, the on screen keyboard doesnt come up when trying to interact with a sign to change the text, and if you go into the map to try and create a pin with text, it completely breaks. You can't exit the map most of the time but if you do, your character can't move and most of the controls stop working.

Anyone have any ideas how to resolve, or if this issue was seen previously?



Steam Deck had a small update last night and it completely broke the game controls. I am using the Daimyo Valheim v3 layout, which is maps everything to keyboard and mouse keys. Since the update, the on screen keyboard doesnt come up when trying to interact with a sign to change the text, and if you go into the map to try and create a pin with text, it completely breaks. You can't exit the map most of the time but if you do, your character can't move and most of the controls stop working.

Anyone have any ideas how to resolve, or if this issue was seen previously?

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joined 1 year ago