[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 70 points 9 months ago

"Unions make people lazy" "Unions make people less creative, less likely to work to fix problems" "Unions make employees fight with each other" "Unions mean we'll earn less money"

The propaganda I've heard from older generations is really incredible. We're still actively unionizing lol

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 77 points 10 months ago

Malala Yousafzai is a famous activist for education of young girls who the Taliban attempted to murder for her activism. Hence her comment "Boo 👎" on this young girl's post about skipping classes.

Young girl is just shocked she got called out by a famous person.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Chetzemoka@kbin.social to c/politics@lemmy.ml

Voters in Ohio went to the polls to decide whether to approve a measure known as Issue 1​ that would raise the bar for constitutional amendments on the ballot. In the ultimate irony, the votes against changing the amendment process exceeded the 60% supermajority that the measure was seeking in the first place

submitted 10 months ago by Chetzemoka@kbin.social to c/news@lemmy.world

Voters in Ohio went to the polls to decide whether to approve a measure known as Issue 1​ that would raise the bar for constitutional amendments on the ballot. In the ultimate irony, the vote against changing the amendment process exceeded the 60% supermajority that the special election was seeking to require in the first place.

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 67 points 11 months ago

Of course it's a black girl

I (a middle-aged white woman) have dyed my hair black, red, blond for decades and not even one single time has anyone suggested that those aren't "natural colors" even though they were obviously not MY natural brown hair color.

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 68 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Jesus, pure intentional enshitification. It's so disgusting

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 104 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I mean, notorious conservative apologist David Frum is the one who said it out loud:

"If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy."

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 126 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Clickbait outrage. The movie showed what the bomb does to people without feeling like it was exploiting the suffering of innocent victims for the sake of a summer blockbuster.

The article even explains how: "In another scene, Oppenheimer gives a speech and, while looking into the crowd, visualizes some of the predominantly white audience as the victims of his bomb."

It's an effective scene. Sometimes what you don't show (negative space) is as powerful as what you do show.

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 63 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Historically, these investigations have been handled by the higher-ups in the chain of command. Say one soldier raped another and the victim reported it. Their mutual boss and that boss's bosses would be responsible for any investigation and discipline.

They have the same negative incentive to provide thorough investigation and justice as college campus police do - because in the end it makes them look bad at their jobs and makes the institution that signs their paychecks look bad. So they just don't. Often victims are ignored or worse, disciplined themselves.

This change will provide a third party not involved in the chain of command for reporting and investigation of sexual assault allegations.

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 82 points 11 months ago

Not even hyperbole:


"Trump is listening to a voice they were not: evangelical Christians who appear to believe in the “Rapture.” Some, like vice president Mike Pence and secretary of state Mike Pompeo, hold posts inside his cabinet. For Rapture Christians, returning Jerusalem to the Jewish people is a key to the second coming of Christ.

A fundamental part of believing in the Rapture is believing that all of Jerusalem (currently split between Arab and Israeli-held territory) must be returned to the Jewish people, and then the rest of the world must go to war. For Christians awaiting end times, Israel “is at the center of the end of history,” said Greg Carey, a professor of the New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary. “History will culminate with this great battle” in Israel, Carey said.

Some White House officials and supporters have described the Trump administration’s actions in Israel with similar language. ”When we open the American Embassy in Jerusalem, we will in a very real sense end this historic friction, we’ll embrace reality,” vice president Pence said in an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network on May 3. Trump supporter and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said Monday that the president had fulfilled a biblical prophesy.

Critics warn that Rapture-believing evangelicals pose a threat to global peace. “They want to bring on the Kingdom of Christ, and their version is weaponized,” said Mikey Weinstein, the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a watchdog group that tracks Christian fundamentalism in the military. “They want to do whatever they can do to bring their version of Jesus back.”

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 196 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

WOW the number of people in this thread immediately jumping to the accusers being "false" and deserving jail. Because no actual sexual predator ever got away with it in court...

(Sex crimes are extraordinarily difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt because the actions are taken in private without a lot of physical evidence. Which sexual predators rely on to get away with their crimes, by the way.)

Perhaps we should review the sheer volume of young men from all over the US & UK reporting that Spacey was at best inappropriate with them. One of the youngest being 14 years old:


And just in case some of us need a refresher course, the rate of false rape accusations is low:


And the rate of sexual assault is high:


[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 144 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This is an actual conversation I had with my oldest nephew when we went to the Boston Tea Party Museum last week.

"If you ever hear people complaining that damaging commercial property during a protest is unacceptable, remember what you learn about the Tea Party today. Our country was literally founded on protests trashing commercial property. And remember that some people complained to them that it was unacceptable too."


Hear me, if you dare

[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 72 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's not. It's a completely historical comparison. Delusional is pretending like the very clear repeat of history isn't happening because the idea of modern Nazis makes you uncomfortable.

"Adolf Hitler was named chancellor on January 30, 1933, and enacted policies to rid Germany of Lebensunwertes Leben, or “lives unworthy of living.” What began as a sterilization program ultimately led to the extermination of millions of Jews, Roma, Soviet and Polish citizens—and homosexuals and transgender people.

When the Nazis came for the [Institute for Sexual Research] on May 6, 1933, Hirschfeld was out of the country. Giese fled with what little he could. Troops swarmed the building, carrying off a bronze bust of Hirschfeld and all his precious books, which they piled in the street. Soon a towerlike bonfire engulfed more than 20,000 books, some of them rare copies that had helped provide a historiography for nonconforming people.

The carnage flickered over German newsreels. It was among the first and largest of the Nazi book burnings. Nazi youth, students and soldiers participated in the destruction, while voiceovers of the footage declared that the German state had committed “the intellectual garbage of the past” to the flames. The collection was irreplaceable."


[-] Chetzemoka@kbin.social 71 points 11 months ago

Uh...proposing sending a state guard to another state to enforce federal immigration law is VERY new.

submitted 11 months ago by Chetzemoka@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

Someone from sopuli.xyz brought to my attention that my photo didn't show up in my comment when viewed from their instance. But when they navigate to Kbin.social, they can see it.

I added the photo using the button below the comment box next to the language selection and "Add New Link" button. Did I do it wrong? Is there a different or better way to embed a photo? Is it some weirdness about that other instance?


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