I refuse to believe that was anything other than rage bait, like every Chef Club video.
Mostly because Very Bad Things happen when you let the government decide who does and doesn't have the right to procreate. Like, the US sterilization programs in the early 1900s directly inspired Hitler. History has shown us where that path goes.
Someone on the original post said that this is from that one Brazilian pizza shop that does a bunch of really weird pizzas just as a social media thing, and I agree. I'm pretty sure I've seen this pic in a compilation of their pizzas, but it might have been a different one with a whole chicken.
Yeah, for the most part I don’t disagree. I held my nose and voted Harris even though my presidential vote doesn’t matter in a blue state anyway. I just think the responsibility ultimately lies with the DNC, not the voters, since the DNC’s job is literally to get Dems elected. I’m not particularly optimistic about how much the DNC really supports us, even if they are for sure better than Republicans.
I’ve stopped expecting anything in the way of progress nationally that isn’t coming out of the courts (SCOTUS is weirdly a mixed bag in this regard). I’m not expecting any of them to stick their neck out in the next 4 years when I’m already seeing think pieces about how trans rights cost Dems the election.
Sorry, thought it was clear that I was saying that they didn't specifically connect his death to the fires, not that they didn't connect it to emphysema.
The other option is what people did: staying home, not voting, and not caring which one they get because neither one has done anything to improve the material conditions in their day to day lives. All the yelling about duty and democracy isn't going to do shit to motivate people who are up to their ears in bills and working three jobs to pay rent.
Like, obviously that's not ideal. I'm one of the people who is at risk during a Trump presidency, I know he's the worse option. But the DNC can't coast on "wow those guys are just so bad" forever, they have to actually do something.
And yes, I know Republicans try to stop the government from doing literally anything helpful at every turn. That doesn't mean the Democrats have to lose their fucking spine about it. If they're not even willing to threaten the nuclear option with the filibuster then they're not even doing politics, they're just getting paid to argue politics on TV with their office buddies.
This is a great example of why Democrats lost: feeling entitled to votes. You don’t get someone’s vote just because the other guy is worse, you have to get the vote out by convincing people you will help them. “Stop whining about drowning in debt and the rising COL, the economy is great” obviously didn’t do that. Better double down on it and call everyone morons, I guess.
Fucking wild to me that, even when abandoning Palestine didn’t work and the post mortem showed it definitely hurt Harris’ turnout, libs are still doubling down on it and kicking the people affected by it in the face.
But hey, maybe “shut up the ~~rich people’s yacht fund~~ economy is fine” will resonate more in 2028.
The real answer is at the end of the movie: go back home and put women’s clothes on again.
No, I didn’t overthink this as a trans kid, why do you ask?
Can confirm Watch Duty is the shit. They’re how I figured out the evacuation alerts (PLURAL) we got were errors.
The groomer slur specifically took off around 2015, I think Julia Serano has done some writing about that but I’m not positive. If you look at it on Google Ngrams you can see the usage spike right around then and just keep going up until the present.
Obviously the idea that gay people groom children didn’t originate 10 years ago. But thanks for clearing that up for anyone who was confused.
Oh for sure, I just refuse to believe I’m living in a world where people put pizza in a blender for anything other than rage bait or dealing with a wired jaw and a pizza craving, haha.