[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 3 points 18 hours ago

Fair enough, yeah I’ll check back in on the thread too in case someone knows what it is. Very intriguing symptom

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 4 points 18 hours ago

I have never experienced anything like this. Personally I would ask my doctor about it immediately, it sounds very outlandish, walking should not lead to pulsating of any kind

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 64 points 1 day ago

Could make it perfect just by shaving some material off, it’s missing the appropriate gaps between E and F, and B and C

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

Yeah this kind of reporting just makes me scratch my head. Just blatantly trying to farm clicks from apple haters lol

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Fwiw my first time thru bloodborne I was absolutely dodging guys jumping out from behind things. And often just dodging when going around things in general, even if there didn’t end up being any guys lol. At a certain point you’re just always expecting it.

Another similar game was Ghostrunner, the hardcore/ng+ mode in particular placed these guys that would blast you behind every. Single. Corner. You have to slide under the blast. So after a while I just started sliding no matter what, to an outsider it would have looked like I’d played those segments many times

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

I guess I just don’t really resonate with that idea, personally.

In Nine Sols you can turn on story mode and access sliders to adjust the combat however you want. It disables boss achievements. I’m still perfectly able to enjoy the intended experience regardless of what anyone else does.

Coming from someone who buys every fromsoft game day 1 and enjoys them thoroughly as-is, at this point I genuinely think it’s just a marketing thing. Pretty much every other game has accessibility options, and you really never see anyone complaining about it as if it somehow ruined the game for them. On the contrary, other communities are proud of the accessibility options and are glad to welcome all different types of players.

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

I mean, that’s what the person above me was specifically replying to.

Does it affect you in any way that they were able to enjoy the game via the easy mode mod? Would it have affected you if that setting was just available in the menu?

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 13 points 6 days ago

As someone who has never used story mode/easy mode options, I agree with you completely.

Nine Sols, Celeste, Hades. Some of my favorite ‘hardcore’ games with great stories and great difficulty options. The only result of their presence is letting more people play the games who wouldn’t have otherwise. I don’t feel like my experience is cheapened in any way if others use the options.

And even if I don’t use them now, maybe there comes a day when my hands can’t keep up anymore, and I’ll be very grateful to be able to keep participating in my favorite hobby. Just an unambiguous good imo

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 18 points 6 days ago

If that’s the case, it’s sad then that he apparently doesn’t seem willing to return the good will and unconditional support, if he’s refusing to help them with rent. Abandoning the one person who would always have your back…

submitted 2 weeks ago by Carnelian@lemmy.world to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

I started seeing cakes appear on people’s usernames, and I realized that it’s been a full year now since the great debacle through which many of us discovered lemmy.

Seeing them all start to pop up at once has made me a bit nostalgic. Memmy was such an exciting and important project during that time, I believe for many people it is the reason they stuck with lemmy in the long term.

So, cheers to the devs, and to anyone who still checks on this community from time to time when memmy crosses their mind.

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 135 points 4 months ago

Three main reasons

Firstly, it does make you sweat more, which reduces your weight (temporarily). It’s common for people in sports that require a weigh-in to do this and also partially dehydrate themselves before they are weighed to make their weight class.

Secondly, it’s done by people trying to lose weight in general who have heard about the first group and incorrectly believe inducing sweat this way will speed up their weight loss. The exact opposite is true: by intentionally overheating yourself, you actually reduce the effectiveness of your workout, making your fitness goals harder to achieve in the long run. There are tons of myths like this that seem intuitive but hold a lot of people back.

Thirdly, people are just self-conscious sometimes and cover up their body


So, I noticed that a couple of my image uploads made using Voyager now just show a “?” graphic. Looking around this community, I’m seeing a lot of other people’s posts are like that too.

In other apps and via browser, the images are also missing. Is anyone else experiencing this/do we know what’s happening?

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 110 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This is actually a huge pet peeve of mine. Just because there are an infinite number of possibilities doesn’t mean anything is possible

Let’s investigate the list of natural numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. It stretches on for infinity, but nowhere in this infinite set will you find the number 2.5. Or negative 1. Or countless other examples.

Next let’s consider a warehouse with an infinite number of CDs, each burned with a copy of the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack. Each of these discs are different. They have slight differences in the label, diameter, and flatness, due to manufacturing tolerances. They have different random bits that get flipped sometimes due to solar particle collision and quantum variation, which may eventually make different discs unreadable. They decay over the centuries at different rates, due to temperature and sun exposure differences in the warehouse (climate control for an infinite space is very expensive).

Each of these discs are, materially speaking, completely different from one another. But, from the perspective of our limited human perception, they are for the time being completely interchangeable. Whichever one you select, you will listen to and have the same experience.

This is by far the most likely scenario if we indeed live in a multiverse. An infinite number of earths, with an infinite number of you, lives filled with all the same mistakes and triumphs, all reading this comment together right now.

Edit: spelling

submitted 11 months ago by Carnelian@lemmy.world to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

I noticed while scrolling All that whenever these posts are displayed, the app lags out significantly, but then returns to normal a few seconds after they’re off screen.

I suspect it’s actually just the top one because it’s a gif. Running latest test test flight version

[-] Carnelian@lemmy.world 122 points 11 months ago

I actually saw that happen in real time, did we confirm it was an admin action?

All the pixels came in at the same time

submitted 11 months ago by Carnelian@lemmy.world to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Behavior started a few updates ago for me. If I go to answer a text or check any other app, when I come back to Memmy the app won’t let me click on posts for 10-20 seconds

submitted 11 months ago by Carnelian@lemmy.world to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Lemmy.world was experiencing authentication issues yesterday, making it difficult to comment and vote.

These issues were resolved some hours ago when lemmy.world updated to 18.02, but you may still be experiencing issues with your account on third party apps such as memmy.

If so, everything will start working normally if you remove your account from the app and add it again! Possibly just reinstalling will also achieve the same thing, but I haven’t tested that personally.

submitted 1 year ago by Carnelian@lemmy.world to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

In Apollo, there was this really interesting feature that let you disable the gestures for voting/replying/etc. If you did so, then you could use the entire screen to navigate between posts instead of needing to swipe all the way from the side.

I struggle with a repetitive stress injury and this feature helped me a lot! I managed to grab a screenshot of the exact setting before Apollo shut down. It would be awesome if something similar could be implemented in Memmy


I’ve been sleeping on the same one for a few years but it’s become really lumpy. I don’t mind spending a little money, but are the modern “high tech” pillows really worth it?

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