[-] Aux@lemmy.world -1 points 8 hours ago

If only you had any semblance of intelligence.

[-] Aux@lemmy.world 0 points 18 hours ago

It is exactly that. Otherwise Marx wouldn't praise the Taiping massacre, which led to tens of millions of deaths.

[-] Aux@lemmy.world 3 points 19 hours ago

Sex. The reason is sex.

[-] Aux@lemmy.world 2 points 20 hours ago

Because the US is an authoritarian pseudo democracy being run by cartels. And free market and capitalism is a death sentence for them.

[-] Aux@lemmy.world 1 points 21 hours ago
[-] Aux@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Additionally it's more like the rich will force the poor to eat each other. The convicted felon is running for a president for a reason after all.

[-] Aux@lemmy.world 16 points 1 day ago

Military is the only thing they have. It might not be the most modern, but they have more artilery shells than any other country. Other stockpiles are huge AF as well. Almost 4% of their population are in active military service and 2% more are reservists. In terms of head count, they have almost as many active personel as Russia while having a fraction of population. Plenty of disposable meat!

[-] Aux@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Yeah, only privileged people from Western countries who never knew struggle dream about communism. No one who went through communism will ever support that shit.

[-] Aux@lemmy.world 26 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Left side: cars are getting bigger in Europe

Right side: MURICAAA!!!11

submitted 1 week ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
submitted 6 months ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hi, I have a bunch of Raspberry Pies hosting all kinds of stuff and I want to have a monitoring solution for all of that. What would be your recommendations?

My goal is to be able to have an overview of CPU load, network load, CPU temp and to see what's going on inside docker containers as I have everything dockerized. I'd like the solution to be open source. I want the solution to be web browser accessible and have nice load graphs with history. I don't want to spend too much time setting it up.

All my Pies are running RaspberryOS, which is Debian based.

submitted 7 months ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

I was doing some bike maintenance today and wanted to disassemble my rear hub. It turned out that I needed a 12mm Allen bit for that, which I don't have. So I 3D printed one! And it worked! Torques safely to 5Nm and I only needed 4Nm for the job. Haven't tested higher torques.

Horse steak (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/foodporn@lemmy.world

As served in Trattoria La Molinara in Verona, Italy. Incredible quality and taste!

Homemade burger (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/foodporn@lemmy.world

28 days matured steak beef, Gouda cheese, sun dried tomatoes, letuce, mayo, ketchup, adzhika and a bun.

submitted 11 months ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/bready@lemmy.world
submitted 1 year ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/foodporn@lemmy.world
submitted 1 year ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/bready@lemmy.world

Just some random Viennese pastry rolls made with sourdough starter instead of original yeast biga.

Viennese pastries are made from enriched bread dough, meaning that they not only contain flour, water, salt and yeast, but also sugar, butter, and sometimes eggs. They are different from regular pastries because the dough is fermented and leavened with yeast instead of baking powder or soda.

submitted 1 year ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/bready@lemmy.world

I love my bricks, but sometimes they just don't want to be contained :)

submitted 1 year ago by Aux@lemmy.world to c/bready@lemmy.world

This is probable one of the best experiments I came up with so far. Oats just add a very nice flavour note to an already great rye bread. Full recipe is in my blog.


Welcome to Bready! This is a community for anything related to making homemade bread.

Bloomers, loafs, flatbreads, rye breads, wheat breads, sourdough breads, yeast breads - all fermented breads are welcome! Vienesse pastries like croissants are also welcome because technically they’re breads too.

All refugees from r/breadit and r/sourdough are welcome.


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joined 1 year ago