[-] AlligatorBlizzard@sh.itjust.works 13 points 23 hours ago

All Cats Are Beautiful, except maybe for Buster.

Give the goofy little dude a treat!

Without the image description I would have missed the frog.

Well, I guess I actually am still into women, lol.

I thought it was the same people who run Lemmygrad, not Hexbear?

Hey now, they're better than Polk. Barely.

I've got the tools, I just need to get some oxyclean so that I can avoid disassembling the device multiple times, lol. I'm kinda busy and I'm hoping to get to it next week during my weekend.

The pan flag is pink yellow and cyan, the trans flag is pink white and blue.

[-] AlligatorBlizzard@sh.itjust.works 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Ooh, the bridge got a moving truck last week, lol.

EDIT: and there was a perfect can opener last month. It's hilarious how, in spite of everything, that bridge is still fucking up trucks.

Oh hey, two new YouTube channels for me to check out.

Also Veronica Explains should probably be on that list.

Nah, transgender peeps. There used to be a running joke in the trans community about trans women and pickles because spiro causes salt cravings.

Petition to ban turtle stew for transphobia?

How does the warewolf YouTuber end his videos?


Now make them pink white and blue for pride month.

May the 4th be with rule (sh.itjust.works)

I have an HP Stream 11 that I want to use for word processing and some light web browsing - I'm a writer and it's a lightweight laptop to bring to the library or coffee shop to write on. Right now it's got Windows and it's unusable due to lack of hard drive space for updates. Someone had luck with Xubuntu, but it's been a few years and it seems like Xubuntu is no longer trying to be a lightweight distro for use cases like this.

My experience with Linux is very limited - I played around with Peppermint Linux a bit back when it was a Lubuntu fork and I used Ubuntu on the lab computers in college. I can follow instructions to make a live boot and I can do an apt-get (so something Debian-based might be best for compatibility and familiarity) but I mostly have no idea what I'm doing, lol. I used to do DOS gaming as a kid so having to do the occasional thing via command line isn't going to scare me off but I'm not going to pretend to have knowledge I don't. I'm probably going to go with Mint on my gaming laptop next year but I suspect it's not the best choice for my blue bezeled potato (although I might try it anyway).


Be prepared to restart your day.

rule (sh.itjust.works)
No Banana is asleep, post 🍌 (upload.wikimedia.org)

I'm trying to buy a used Japanese New 3DS LL (I hate how Nintendo named that thing) with an IPS top screen, and there's one listing where the price is what I'm willing to pay, the screens are pristine with no yellowing and I'm fine with the condition of the back plates, but there's a small crack in the console just below the upper screen. I do not have the experience to replace the whole shell, is this something I could use a bit of glue or epoxy and be fine or would this become a huge problem?

Flag Rule 2 (sh.itjust.works)
Happy HANukkah (sh.itjust.works)
rule (sh.itjust.works)
oobleck (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by AlligatorBlizzard@sh.itjust.works to c/stardewvalley@lemmy.ml

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