Your denial of the Jewishness of all those people who are Jews and are against Zionism or simply do not agree that Zionism represents them, is the true antisemitism here.
It's not up to you and it's not up to Zionists to decide that Zionism represents all Jews, it's up to all Jews and a lot of them think Zionism doesn't represent them, hence "Zionism" is not at all equivalent to "Jew" and hence anti-Zionism is not at all equivalent to antisemitic.
The previous poster's metaphor is spot on illustrating your inherent anti-semitism in how you defend your beloved flavour of ethno-Fascist political ideology: Zionists claim that they represent an entire ethnicity - even against statements of members of that ethnicity that they do not - and then claim that criticism of Zionism is actually an attack on the ethnicity, going so far as explicitly calling actual Jews who are critical of Zionism "anti-semites", all of which is exactly as the Nazis did using "the Arian Race" (including the detail of accusing members of the Arian Race of being "against the Arian Race" or "not real Arians" when they voiced opinions critical of Nazism) which is why the previous poster's metaphor was perfect - how you and your ideological brothers position yourselves in relation to the Jewish People and use that self-proclaimed relation in your "arguments" is straight out of a Himmler manual on Propaganda.
You're the only Racist in this room and by making arguments in the same style as Nazi Propaganda you out yourself as a rabid, Nazi-style kind of Racist.
"He was licking my balls from behind and his nose accidentally touched my butthole, so in clenched my cheeks and said 'got your nose Donald' and he kept coming back for more"