[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 18 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I think challenge can be a bit motivator for adhd folks. Once I've completed the main part of something, I find it really hard to care about the details, to the extent that the unfinished parts sometimes spoil the bit I had completed.

I feel like it's the dopamine of the chase is actually what's motivating, and challenge is a version of that. I'll get sucked into finding some obscure game and getting an emulator working to be able to play it and all the way I'm super engaged. Then I start playing this game I was so excited about and meh, don't care.

Maybe you could think about ways to refocus that drive? A therapist told me once that adhd people don't get satisfaction from completing things, but are excited about new things. So, instead of feeling proud of getting into college try and immediately find the new challenge (now I want to get a prostigious internship!) if you succeed at your fitness goals, maybe you can raise the stakes see if you can beat a friend or a record or something?

submitted 2 weeks ago by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/askandroid

I feel like I'm encountering weird little tics and problems with my android devices, and those of family and friends. Just simple things where settings don't seem to be consistently applied, or the os switches something back repeatedly. For example, my apps are set to auto update, to use data as well as WiFi, etc, but every month or so I go into Play and see that some random app hasn't been updated in weeks.

Or my friend only gets Signal notifications when they open the app, despite giving full background data use, turning off adaptive battery, etc. My mother uses an alarm app that needs to display over the screen for a feature, but despite me setting that permission repeatedly Android keeps turning it off.

Is this just anecdotal bad luck? Or is all the work to preserve battery life, control background usage, etc led to an OS where the user can't control things reliably? It starting to feel a lot like MS Windows!

submitted 1 month ago by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/askandroid

(I've got a pixel watch 2 and moto edge 40 neo, and some jlab earbuds.)

I usually listen to music on my phone, but recently linked my earbuds to my watch, and the same music played on Spotify sounds massively better on the same earbuds when played via the watch.

I assumed it was because I had installed the jlab app, and it was doing a bad job of meddling with the eq. But after uninstalling it there wasn't a noticeable difference. Is there some other setting I can adjust? Any thoughts on whether it's something my moto is doing wrong or something my pixel watch is doing right?

Its a substantial difference (although I'm not enough of an audiophile to describe it) enough that I'm now mostly playing music via my watch. But it's hitting the battery hard, so I'd rather go back to using my phone!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

This is maybe a weird request, but I'm looking for a way to send myself some information at a specific time in the future. Basically, it's because I've got a few sites that are huge distractions for me at the moment, and I can't stop checking my accounts, responding to messages, etc. My willpower is so low, and I've got a lot of important work right now and it's starting to really mess up my life.

So my plan is to change the passwords to my accounts to a long random string, then save that string somewhere that I can't access for X days. I imagined a simple way would be to use a site that would send me an email on a date, and the content of that email would be my random passwords. But my web searches only seem to find pages telling me how to schedule my own emails, which isn't what I need.

Any advice / suggestions?

(also, in case anyone is thinking it, the sites I'm trying to block access to are all linked to the same email account, and I'm also going to change its password, so I won't easily be able to reset them).

Edit: FutureMe is exactly the site I was thinking of, thanks lemmings!

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 41 points 3 months ago

Saw a Ted talk that said the same thing. The guy over came some social anxiety by actively putting himself in an awkward situation each day (his was asking if he could get his coffee for free at the coffee shop). Once he got use to low stakes situations where people were surprised, confused or mildly judgemental (but also amused or just disinterested) it was easier to do things that actually mattered without worrying about people's reactions. And he got a few free coffees.

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 14 points 3 months ago

That's exactly it. I think one of the reason many people who struggle with small talk is because they take these conversations at face value. It doesn't matter if you don't care about how their family is doing, you're not asking because you want the information. You're asking because the question itself means "I respect you as a peer and am showing interest in you".

And it's also why the answers don't generally matter. They don't care what you're really doing for your holidays, just give a simple but positive response "just looking forward to getting some rest!", "going to see my family". If you show you're interested in them, and you respond to their questions that's enough for most people. Even if those questions and answers are completely vacuous.


I hear people saying things like "chatgpt is basically just a fancy predictive text". I'm certainly not in the "it's sentient!" camp, but it seems pretty obvious that a lot more is going on than just predicting the most likely next word.

Even if it's predicting word by word within a bunch of constraints & structures inferred from the question / prompt, then that's pretty interesting. Tbh, I'm more impressed by chatgpt's ability to appearing to "understand" my prompts than I am by the quality of the output. Even though it's writing is generally a mix of bland, obvious and inaccurate, it mostly does provide a plausible response to whatever I've asked / said.

Anyone feel like providing an ELI5 explanation of how it works? Or any good links to articles / videos?

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 19 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I'd say SO generally are like great friends (with benefits), but often, over time you end up doing so much stuff with them that they eclipse any other individual friend. And eventually (especially if you end up living together) they become such a part of your day to day life they can begin to feel like an extension of yourself (or rather, that you're both part of one being) and it's hard to live with out them. I remember laughing at my dad for wanting to phone my mum everyday when he was away on business. I'd be like "what do you even have to talk about? You see each other all the time" But now, if I had a day where I didn't at least message with my partner I'd feel so isolated.

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 12 points 4 months ago

Ereaders like kobo / kindle have gentle backlight, just make sure you get one with adjustable warm /cool white backlight, so you can make it warm and not blue. I also use a little clip on booklight with adjustable brightness and color. If it's dim and red/orange you're not disturbing anyone but it illuminates the page perfectly.

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 26 points 5 months ago

You mean Christopher "that's not the sound a man makes when he is knifed in the back" Lee?

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 35 points 6 months ago

I mean, I agree, I'm not going to be losing any sleep worrying about the unsatisfied billionaires. But what he's saying is that given the cost (losing 30 years of his life) the 'reward' ($35 billion) wasn't enough. He's not saying he doesn't like or want the money, he's saying its not enough to give up your life for.

If anything, it would explain why rich people keep pursuing money long after any sane person would be content with their millions/billions. Maybe if you just get given a few million you could be satisfied with it, but if you've had to sacrifice your life, friends, morality and so on to get it... And you realise it doesn't actually make you happy, so you keep chasing more, hoping that eventually enough will be enough. Better that than realising you're an idiot who fell for capitalism's big lie and gave up the stuff that actually mattered in life to get more numbers on a sheet.

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 11 points 6 months ago

I would have misgivings of using the character with René, but it wouldn't be hard. He's changeling, god dammit. It was one of the weird conceits of DS9 that odo kept the same humanoid form, and so the changeling who interacted with him did too (along with implausible excuses about "not being able to master the humanoid face", or the changing virus).

Having spent time with the founders, you could easily recast "Odo" as a dozen different characters of different species and genders. Perhaps he has transcended the attachment to a single form that he developed from living among solids? I feel like watching some good actors do Odoesque performances could be quite interesting!

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

I work with a lot of nonnative English speakers, and someone sent out an invite to a meeting on Thueisday and my brain melted.


And if so, how do they label headphones, contact lenses etc?

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 20 points 7 months ago

I assume the implication is that a level of wealth disparity that could allow tourists to holiday in space while other people can't get essential medicines... is bad.

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 13 points 7 months ago

I really want to like this and keep trying to convince myself that the little problems would be manageable... I'm not too fussed about bezels, the camera or the screen not being that bright. The processor and "sluggishness" seem like the main issue - is it noticeable during day to day use? I don't play games but I do flick between apps a lot, is it noticeable?

And the charging seems frustratingly slow, even my midrange phone for a few years back had 65w charging. Is there an external battery charger? That way I could always be using my phone and just have a couple of spare batteries that can be charged externally.

[-] Acamon@lemmy.world 51 points 8 months ago

I remember when everyone was excited about playing Pokemon Go and wishing that there was a way to do something similar but in the wilderness rather than cities. I wanted to be able to wander around the wilds trying to encounter strange and rare creatures. Then I realised I had just invented birdwatching.


I feel like some usb cables are great, allow my devices to charge fast, connect to data reliably, etc. But it seems so difficult to find the ones that are good! I've tried buying expensive ones but it seems pretty hit and miss. Sometimes some cheapass aliexpress cable seems to beat the "good brands".

Are there standards or anything I should look out for? USB drives, sd cards, and the like have read/write speeds or different "classes" but usb cables seem to all claim to be brilliant.

Am I just being dumb?

discowolf (lemmy.world)
submitted 9 months ago by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/osr@lemmy.world

One thing I loved about Holmes and Moldvay /Mentzer red boxes was having a set of rules that didn't overwhelm new players with lots of material that they won't need until later.

I know that most osr games are rules light enough that it isn't too much, but I was wondering if there are any systems out there that seperate out the 'basic' and 'expert / advanced' levels like that?

A particular peeve of mine is that spell descriptions seem so often to be presented alphabetical so that the 10 spells that might matter are lost in a bunch of pages. But even just class descriptions or saving throw tables that cover the whole range make level 1 look like a stepping stone, rather than a satisfying place to play many an adventure!

Any suggestions?

submitted 10 months ago by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

My nephews & nieces aren't currently allowed much computer access because their parents worry about screen time, inappropriate content and the like. But their mother was sharing concerns with me that they won't have the basic computer skills and understanding that we learned growing up in the 80s and 90s. Having to make computers work before you got your reward of a game was such a big motivation for me as a child. We learned to program in BASIC on spectrums and Amstrads (typing code for a game out of a magazine didn't require much knowledge but taught me a lot) and about memory management by fiddling around with AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS to get DOS games running, and so on.

Are there any good educational computers / distros / OSes? Searching online mostly shows simplified GUI to access educational "games". But I was wondering if there was a Raspberry PI or linux fork or something, that was geared to create a challenging but supportive environment for learning the fundamentals.

Any suggestions?

submitted 10 months ago by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/askandroid

I've use Twilight for years and love the red filter for using my phone at night. But since getting an AMOLED screen it's started to frustrate me. The way Twilight seems to work means that black also gets a red tint. Previously this was great, but on amoled black is completely dark with no back-light that needs masking with red. So by shifting it red, Twilight is actually making the screen much brighter.

Tldr: Any apps that leave black as black, but give a red tint to all the other colors?

submitted 10 months ago by Acamon@lemmy.world to c/osr@lemmy.world

I'm trying to get back into blogs and rss feeds after a many year hiatus. But I'm finding it hard to find active rpg blogs, so if anyone's got any good recommendations please share! (tbh, doesn't even need to pure old-school, but I'd rather avoid a "WOTC awesome new dice set!" sites).


Obviously, most social networks have some sort of engagement button for liking/up voting/promoting a piece of content. As well as helping users feel like they're participating, rather than just passively consuming, most networks also use the likes/ups to filter or promote content to other users.

As a dumb noob, what does the up/down vote do in lemmy in particular? Does it actually affect anything beyond changing the number beside the little arrows? I know there's some discussion about lemmy tracking 'karma' even if it's not visible in all clients. Can different instances implement "karma thresholds"? Or auto hide posts that fall beneath a certain down vote ratio?

And more subjectively, what do you feel up/down voting represents? Is it showing agreement with the post? That you want to see more posts like that? That other people should look at the post? Does it matter if this subjective purpose is actually unrelated to what the up votes do in reality?

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