Cross-posted from user Risa@startrek.website

My cycle (feddit.de)
submitted 10 months ago by Dislodge3233@feddit.de to c/bisexual@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago by Lando_@lemmy.world to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

The last pride parade I attended was as an enthusiastic and supportive straight ally (lol).

It was a couple years ago, pre covid, and since then I've... noticed some things about myself that obviously led me here.

I came out to myself in February of this year after a same sex experience that left me with no more questions in my mind (holy fuck girls are soft) so I'm pretty new to this.

But I'm still very much closeted to my friends and family because I'm married (to a wonderful man) and I'm not really ready to have a conversation with people about how my relationships are organized (cause that same sex experience wasn't just a one off thing. It's a long distance... thing. Like, I love them).

So on the one hand, it shouldn't really matter if someone in my life finds out I'm Bi. The real part I'm closeted about is that I'm polyamorous but I'm not really at a place of "pride" with any of it.

My husband knows, obviously, and he's coming to the parade with me so if I just don't advertise my bisexuality then I'm safe and I'll basically be attending exactly the same way I attended before.

But I wanna paint a little bisexual coloured heart on my cheek.

And I want to do this properly, just for myself. Like, it feels very antithetical to ATTENDING PRIDE to do so in a way where I pretend I'm straight.

So advice? Support? Tell me about your first pride parade as a bisexual!

Also the chances of me running into someone I know are basically zero. I live in a massive city. My fear of the little pink, purple, blue heart is completely unreasonable. My brain is just really talented at finding things for me to feel bad about.

What if? (lemmy.world)

Being a 39 male I came up at different time and less accepting area. I wish I had the courage when I was younger to embrace this side of me. The what ifs, the people I loved that don't know it. Regardless, I am happy with where I ended up and the progress.


Like it's actually fun. A few folks at work know I broke up with my girlfriend of some time recently. When I later asked them to let me know if they know anyone nice to set me up with, I always use gender-neutral language. But every single one pretty much assumes women only, and frankly I'm okay with that. Everyone doesn't need to know everything. If they ever asked, I'll tell them.

However, the married gay guy made sure to ask me, "are you into girls, guys,…?" and people I felt so touched and seen that someone didn't just assume. He says his mind is tingling with ideas, and I'm sure if he and his husband make any intros they'll be great.

Finally, I totally have a work crush on a guy, and I feel so stupid about it. My work crush at my last company was also a smaller guy who kept it tight, which is a funny theme. This time though I'm pretty sure he's gay, based on a few different things including a pretty sexy insta. I just want to hold him and carry him around, and now I feel super weird when I see him or make eye contact. Ha here I am almost 40 and this guy still has me horned up like a teenager. Maybe one day I'll build up the courage to say something to him. Non work dating and hookups are so much easier though!

Anyway yeah, basically being in the closet at work is…fun!


closest i've come to finding something like it is this manga sweet trap. i'd really like suggestions.


Waht do you wear to express yourself that seems obviously bi?

submitted 11 months ago by Idea1407a@lemmy.world to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

Hi. Bi here. Just got into Lemmy because another community I liked indicated so. But I was on a bisexual community over there. So I found this one. I hope it's okay to say Hi. If not I'll just delete.

Meme :) Warning: Biphobia (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

This is a really stupid question I know but recently I had a bi cycle and I want to be able to me more attracted to guys again. I don't like the fact that I'm nearly straight rn. Is there any way to influence who I'm attracted to?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ickplant@lemmy.world to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

Here's a great article about being bisexual with a bipolar diagnosis. Relatable? Come join us at https://lemmy.world/c/bipolardisorder

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Dislodge3233@feddit.de to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

I made a few bracelets and bought a flag for myself that I hide in my closet


I currently find my parties on Fetlife, but it's mostly just bi women and straight guys. Maybe like 10% of men are bi/gay. The parties are great, but leave some holes in my life unfilled ...

Any other platforms like Fetlife for finding good parties, but with more men?


Trying to be slightly more open but keep some plausible deniability. Its dumb I know

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by vgnbsxl@feddit.de to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

The Bisexual Manifesto, published in 1991 in the issue #3 of Anything That Moves:

“We are tired of being analyzed, defined and represented by people other than ourselves, or worse yet, not considered at all. We are frustrated by the imposed isolation and invisibility that comes from being told or expected to choose either a homosexual or heterosexual identity.

Monosexuality is a heterosexist dictate used to oppress homosexuals and to negate the validity of bisexuality.

Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature: that we have "two" sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders. Do not mistake our fluidity for confusion, irresponsibility, or an inability to commit. Do not equate promiscuity, infidelity, or unsafe sexual behavior with bisexuality. Those are human traits that cross all sexual orientations. Nothing should be assumed about anyone’s sexuality, including your own. We are angered by those who refuse to accept our existence; our issues; our contributions; our alliances; our voice. It is time for the bisexual voice to be heard.”

Copied it from: http://www.bisexualorganizingproject.org/whats-up/bi-pan-and-the-insufficiency-of-prefixes


I'm fairly neutral but I don't like that along with the rest of the lgbt people seem to hate us

hello y'all (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by B4tid0@lemmy.world to c/bisexual@lemmy.world
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Bicyclejohn@lemmy.ml to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

Here's my story.

Sometime in April a guy who was a friend of a friend started touching me, yes I know I should have not let this happen but I found him kinda hot so I let him touch me. Started questioning when I got home. I then developed a slight crush on him but got over it after a few weeks.

I should have handled the situation differently but it caused me to learn about myself.

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This is a community for bisexuals, their allies, friends, family, anyone curious about us or our community, or just people who want to hang out.

Bisexual means different things to different people, and I'm not going to tell you what it should mean to you. But one thing I will say is that being bisexual does NOT mean being trans-exclusionary. We love no matter what dingles, dongles, or dangles you do or do not have in your pants.

Of course, there are the basic rules. No hate speech, no brigading, no doxing, no homophobia, no transphobia, no sexism, no racism, no illegal material. Rules will be added as needed.

At the moment, we do not have a hard and fast rule over NSFW images or posts, but I will say that this is a community about bisexuality, not for porn. Please don't make me ban NSFW content altogether.

founded 1 year ago