[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 4 points 1 day ago

I'm not a fan of Bluesky, but i hear tell they got some sorta customizable sorting algorithm thingy right? Maybe it'll have something like that!

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 20 points 1 day ago

I am very, very excited about it! I check for updates nearly every day lol

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 10 points 1 day ago

Definitely both, since a lot of people (myself included) don't have anything resembling a good local landtrust. Evety tiny bit of park/public land/etc near me is like 99% amur honeysuckle, garlic mustard, and lesser celendine. None of the people ostensibly responsible for taking care of said land seem to care... ๐Ÿ˜ญ

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/music@beehaw.org

So about half a year ago somebody posted about Faircamp, a self-hosted open source alt for Bandcamp. It's really awesome, but I thought people might also want to know about a new one called Mirlo. This one is also open source, so it could ostensibly be self-hosted if you wanted, but the main thing is that it's got this flagship hosted option. Very similar to the Bandcamp experience, from the musician side. No techy stuff required at all, so I think this one might be way more user friendly for non-tech savvy folks!

AFAIK, neither Faircamp nor Mirlo have integrated ActivityPub support yet, but it seems entirely possible. Both do currently support subscription via RSS. Honestly I kinda feel like both platforms should collaborate, if they aren't already!

Maybe they could even get hooked up with RadioFreeFedi and do like featured artists and stuff.

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 6 points 2 days ago

Pawpaws! If you get them just right, they're like eating a banana-mango custard.

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 7 points 2 days ago

I love guys with boobs! A lot of people must, there was actually an entire subreddit devoted to them lol

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 1 points 2 days ago

Isn't that the app I used for voice training to get feedback from people? If it is, then that lol

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 1 points 2 days ago

Wafrn, in MY Lemmy?? It's more likely than I thought!

Seriously though I LOVE Wafrn. I got into Tumblr right at the tail end immediately before it went to shit, and I always regretted not doing it sooner. Wafrn rules.

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 14 points 2 days ago

You are ADORABLE, and also some kinda goddess for getting Gentoo working, please bestow a boon on this lowly Ubuntu mortal โค

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 14 points 5 days ago

I've got one! Obscure textile crafts.

There are knitting/crochet communities of course, but all the super niche ones like ply-split braiding or smocking are too rare to warrant a whole community to themselves. On reddit there was a defunct sub called bistitchual, both for all obscure fibercrafts and for combinations of unrelated fibercrafts in one work. I wish we had it here.

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 3 points 5 days ago

That's a quote from a song, I wanna say Beatles maybe?

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 1 points 6 days ago

Just tried re-uploading mine and ran into the same issue.

[-] MxRemy@lemmy.one 2 points 6 days ago

If I could, I'd use a different kind each time! Jelly/jam/preserves/etc is so good. Last year, for the first time, we had just enough aronia berries to make a teeny bit of jam, and I haven't stopped thinking about it since lol. So I'd say that would be my go-to for PB&Js if I had any.

submitted 1 month ago by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/wizards@lemmy.world

Can't believe none of these have been posted yet lol.


This time of year, there's a zillion of these loudly and clumsily zooming around right outside my backdoor. They're very curious about everything that moves; they'll just like stare you down, hovering a foot in front of your face. Too cute!! They are also kinda eating the landlords mudroom... but so slowly that I'm pretty sure it hardly matters? You just can't be mad at these little fuzzballs! Worth it for the pollination anyway.


File here. This is almost definitely not the best one that anyone's designed, but at least it's a little unique!

The holder parts bend apart to snap brushes in and out, and there's a little shelf above to put your toothpaste on. The shelf has print-in-place hinges so you can print the whole thing flat with no support and it all works with no assembly.

Open Source Orbital Shaker (assets.pxlmo.com)

We put this together for my public library's makerspace. I have a bunch of issues with the design, but it does work so what can I say really. Specifically it's this one.

Patrons can use it for whatever they want, i.e. melting dissolvable supports faster, culturing bacteria, etc.

submitted 6 months ago by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/foraging@lemm.ee

Sorry this isn't actually foraging per se, but the only kind of people who'd grow these are probably foragers anyway. I've been growing them for a couple years, but this is the first year I had enough to bother trying to eat them! From two plants we got about 1/2 a cup.

So my question is, does anyone have any tips for actually eating these things?? We tried soaking them for 24 hours and boiling them for 2 hours, and they were still inedibly bitter! I'm thinking maybe brining them, an alkaline soak, splitting them all in half, and/or swapping out the cooking water a few times. At least one of those ought to work hopefully. It'll have to wait till next year though, we wasted these ones lol.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/haxe@programming.dev

Specifically this font, although I've tried a few. Specifically in HashLink.

Anyone have any tips or best practices when it comes to fonts and FlxText in general? The default font looks great, but I'm finding that just about every other font I try looks kind of terrible. Like sort of grainy, I guess? The default one looks very crisp in comparison. Also, any non-default font that I put in a FlxButton seems to be vertically way off-center, raised up too high.

submitted 9 months ago by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

Hopefully this kind of content is ok here. Up until recently, when I would be searching for some kind of technical info, the top (and best) results would usually all be Reddit posts. I was very pleasantly surprised to do that this time and find a Lemmy post instead!

...It did happen to be a post from me, so unfortunately didn't answer my question at all, but I still thought it was really neat and wanted to share. Has anyone else seen Lemmy stuff getting indexed and turning up in their search results?

submitted 9 months ago by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/diy@slrpnk.net

Hi DIY punks! I need a little help with something. I've been trying all sorts of ways to home carbonate things as sustainably as possible. Most have not really worked out as intended, but I'm really really close on this latest attempt. This version is to connect a CO2 tank to a whipped cream dispenser.

Basically, the path from the tank looks like this:

...and the path from the dispenser looks like this:

So, I need an adapter to hook up the 3/8"-24UNF female to the mystery connection. It seems to start screwing in for a couple turns, but then won't go any further, so my guess is that it's the same diameter with different threading? Note that, in the link for the mystery hookup, I removed the TR21-4 at the end, because that's for directly hooking up to a small tank. The mystery connection I'm talking about is the male threaded part you can see screwing into the TR21-4 connector.

It doesn't seem like many people are doing this, or know what most of the industry standard connections actually are. See this thread here for example. Consequently, I have no idea if the mystery eBay hookup I bought even works, despite that being its entire purpose. The interior of the CO2 cartridge puncturing mechanism is a black box to me, so I'm just trusting this M22 connection is all that's required. There's definitely some kind of one-way valve in there, but hopefully it doesn't somehow require being "pushed" by the cartridge itself.

submitted 9 months ago by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/foodporn@lemmy.world

For the first time, I had a lot of Illinois Bundleflower seeds to harvest. I've never cooked or eaten them before, and information online is pretty slim unfortunately. So, I just took a stab at something random. For the filling:

  • Desmanthus illinoensis seed/grain
  • Manoomin
  • Dried crushed rockweed
  • Black bean miso
  • Vegetable stock
  • Cheddar

...all stuffed inside a white scallop pattypan squash. It was... about as okayish as it looks, not fantastic, not terrible. Honestly I thought about posting it to c/ShittyFoodPorn instead ๐Ÿ˜…

More importantly than the quality of the dish, it turns out Illinois Bundleflower seeds are easy to cook and have decent flavor and texture! So, task failed successfully I guess? Thank you for your time!

submitted 9 months ago by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/bugmenagerie@possumpat.io

It was chilling on a Paulownia tree in Southeast Pennsylvania, U.S. I post more critters on my Pixelfed if anyone's interested.

submitted 9 months ago by MxRemy@lemmy.one to c/haxe@programming.dev

So, the FlxG collide method knows how to tell which tiles in a tilemap are walls or not walls, but the overlap method does not. If you write a simple custom collision with the overlap method and tell it to .separate(), your sprite will collide with every tile in the map, not just the walls.

This is expected behavior, as there's a note in the FlxG documentation that says:

this takes the entire area of FlxTilemaps into account (including "empty" tiles). Use FlxTilemap#overlaps() if you don't want that.

On the other hand, the documentation for FlxTilemaps.overlaps() says:

Checks to see if some FlxObject overlaps this FlxObject object in world space. If the group has a LOT of things in it, it might be faster to use FlxG.overlaps().

In my scenario I have a lot of tilemaps and just one object to collide with them, the player. The way this is written, I'm thinking I have to call this method for EACH MAP, i.e. map1.overlaps(player), map2.overlaps(player), etc. Whereas with the FlxG method I can pass it the entire FlxGroup of maps as one parameter and the player as another parameter, which seems way better. I guess I could write a function with a loop that iterates through each map doing this one by one, and then call that in update(), but I'm getting the impression that it might be really inefficient.

What's the best approach here? Am I missing something obvious?

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