[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 1 points 3 days ago

Are there any more fights in MMA with such an effective use of the Philly Shell?

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 6 points 3 days ago

I've made a note to ask for the pay when I see mod postings. Luckily I'm finding more and more mod postings so there's lots of opportunities to remind mods that they're lining Reddits pockets for free.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 38 points 1 week ago

I imagine some level of worker protection may be required to see success in this.

Seems like depending on what you bring to light you're at best let go into a brutal job market. Or if you piss off Boeing you just die.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 19 points 3 weeks ago

Thermal imaging is an interesting selling point, who needs that?

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 20 points 1 month ago

I mean Telegram has been blocked in Russia before and it didn't stop their operations for too long. At best now some engineer at telegram has one more ticket and things will be back to normal.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 29 points 3 months ago

Gotta get those single issue voters somehow

submitted 3 months ago by ASaltPepper@lemmy.one to c/ontario@lemmy.ca

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.one/post/9684670

Moving out of the big city for somewhere more affordable has become a common topic of conversation among Toronto millennials. Is it worth giving up the perks of the city for a lower cost of living and shorter commutes? We speak to a woman named Sydney who’s leaving the city she was born in in search of a lower-stress and less costly lifestyle.

submitted 3 months ago by ASaltPepper@lemmy.one to c/toronto@lemmy.ca

Moving out of the big city for somewhere more affordable has become a common topic of conversation among Toronto millennials. Is it worth giving up the perks of the city for a lower cost of living and shorter commutes? We speak to a woman named Sydney who’s leaving the city she was born in in search of a lower-stress and less costly lifestyle.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 61 points 4 months ago

Might have to start importing all my tech from the EU at this rate.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 18 points 4 months ago

Worst misclick of your life hitting this thing.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 30 points 6 months ago

Big regrets not washing those blueberries before eating them now.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 51 points 6 months ago

Once independent contractors are able to unionize I believe union membership will go way up. I've read of Google having "red-badge" contractors not even being given earthquake safety gear in safety exercises, just to keep them as separate from the company as possible.

submitted 6 months ago by ASaltPepper@lemmy.one to c/mma@kbin.social

UFC, PFL, Bellator etc.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 30 points 6 months ago

If our anti-trust had teeth this would be the case. At the current rate Teksavy can only survive on principaled users sadly.

Military Rule (lemmy.one)

Some of the most successful fighters in the world might make $30k-$60k in their entire career. All the meanwhile UFC has been shown to use monopolistic tactics to hold the market and rob the fighters.

[-] ASaltPepper@lemmy.one 26 points 7 months ago

It's the insane man's wine and steak

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