I mean, if we want to get pedantic, nothing it's stopping a virus from bringing it's own drivers or a whole ass windows vm to pass the usb over ( i rememver the was something of the sort for windows using a windows xp machine for a botnet) It's as always just a matter of how willing are you.
One liner for fixing driver issue, sounds great
Still faster than snaps /s
I had a problem and then I tried to solve it by installing a snap package. Now I have two problems.
I was doing a group project in college where we had a Linux server running some of our custom software. I asked a group mate who worked in IT to self-sign some certs so we could get https up and running for our next sprint demo.
He installed a fucking snap package to do it via certbot. On fucking RHEL. And that server was not hosting an internet-accessible service. And he didn’t know why I lost my mind.
Basically a "lemme get the flame thrower real quick so i can hammer that nail in for ya"
Not sure why you were enabling HTTPS for a project that was not hosting an internet-accessible service, really. By which I assume you mean the service doesn't have a publicly accessible web based UI or API component. What were you trying to access and how? The only scenario I could think of for this would be that your custom software relies on HTTPS for secure communication within its own internal network (such as on a VPN) to send sensitive data back and forth between services. In which case that feels like overkill for a college course, since you shouldn't have any genuinely sensitive data that you need to secure if it's just for testing and demonstration.
It was a project requirement, PHI was processed by it, so yes, it needed a secure connection. I now realize I should have used mutual auth, but hey, I only learned about that after that project
We never sent actual data to it (the actually sensitive data used for training never left a secure VM), but the point of the course was to act like we were. Plus, setting up an nginx reverse proxy is simple, setting it up and getting certs from some ssl commands is a 10 minute task that appeases the project manager/professor with minimal effort.
If any of you pure Linux guys ever get a virus that installs windows, that's going to be the funniest shit ever.
Pipes a script from the web in bash whitout checking:
Reboots to see the windows logo come up
two sentence horror story
That sort of reminds me of the FBI patching compromised systems after they take over a botnet.
My infosec skills are far too sophisticated for infiltration (small piece of black tape)
Work laptop, it stays closed, and I use my two screens connected to it. After Covid, everyone wanted video calls. Nope, I'm not getting the laptop out from the back of the desk for you.
Anyone hacking the webcam can get a view of the base of the laptop.
You can get a whole sheet of tiny circle stickers for like, a dollar. I've used them for a decade or more now!
Yeah but the tape also covers the shitty microphone next to the camera.
Beat that, circlecuck!!
you can't spy on me through my webcam, I don't have one
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The safest laptops to use: The old ThinkPads still holding on through hopes and dreams.
No webcam.
But some spam mails think i have one.
I think I saw videos of you last week on one of those revenge porn sites. You were going to town on yourself. I’m guessing you didn’t send the bitcoin?
forcing hackers to do free tech support to scam you.
2K webcam resolutions
we only do 360p here, sir!
I don't even have a webcam on my desktop. My Thinkpad has a sliding cover on its webcam that stays closed when I'm not using it.
The internal microphone is on the same board as the webcam in laptops.
Get a laptip with a real hardware switch for the cam and the mic. Best peace of mind knowing that they're really off. Neither tape, nor the non-electrical built-in plastic sliders do that.
You still have to trust the manufacturer that it really turns the webcam off, not just the webcam light.
Unless you have a framework, and can remove the bezel and confirm that they work!
I'm really happy with my new framework's switches, I actually trust them for once! I went to find a thing on how they work to post here:
"(They) saw the mention of the switches and that they are optical somewhere, but can’t remember to quote the source.
As far as I can tell each switch is a U channel with a light emitter on one side, and a detector on the other. The part you move on the bezel just breaks the light beam. This creates a electronic on/off hardware switch.
Using an actual physical switch would tend to be a source of an intermittent connection over time. Hence the use of optical technology. Same thought process for the screen open switch being a Hall Effect sensor, which can work through a cover."
I'd like a proper hardware light. Something physical such that the camera cannot send the image back to the board without the light being on. And yes, a physical cutout switch would definitely be nice.
I keep my webcam unplugged when not in use.
Doctors hate him for this one simple trick!
My WebCam has such low resolution I could argue that that’s anybody in the picture. Go ahead.
Low res webcam, massive north facing window behind me (australia), i make people pay dearly for wasting my time with meetings
damned skippy.
I would also have accepted close encounters or there are four lights.
Ooh, another one:
I would say "enjoy flashing everyone"... but that could be awkward, so make sure to flash responsibly:-D
What about Intel ME, Microsoft Pluton, the one for AMD. The secret chips that have direct access to your hardware. Basically a blackbox. Same with cellphones. SoC.
I love my frame.work 16 and its hardware switch for camera and mic
I like my ThinkPad for that too. It's great.
Framework is thinkpad2
Man I remember having to buy a Cisco pcmcia WiFi card for my laptop to be able to support my collages CHAP auth to be able to get WiFi on campus
I used to have to use a USB adapter on my laptop because the built in one was turned off by default and had a Windows only software switch to enable it.
wait are there still webcams that don't work? I've never used them apart from whatever was recommended for 3d printer monitoring and they worked fine.
Hint: :q!
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