There are multiple government officials on camera saying that they are banning it because they allow pro Palestine content. Seems like TikTok would have a pretty good free speech case, though of course it's not as if the courts really care about free speech. I think it least a lawsuit would shine a light on what's going on to the public.
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so, the obvious reasons amerikkka wants tiktok gone aside, we've got
- internet-enabled doorbell cameras in our neighborhoods, provided by a corporation with a long track record of privacy scandals and abuse
- a corporation (for whom many employers expect you to use their platform) that has openly experimented on its users, facilitated a genocide, and rats out victims of this country's oppression to the authorities
and i'm actually supposed to be worried about fucking tiktok of all things? i don't have to install tiktok; it's certainly a hell of a lot easier to avoid than the above, and that shit barely scratches the surface. americans fall into a xenophobic panic over being spied on by gasp foreigners, all the while a techno-dystopia is being openly built all around us.
I like that they kept the jpeg artifacts.
This is not a logical position put together from facts and analysis, it is an emotional position put together from a threat being repeatedly conveyed in the media.