submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world to c/casualconversation@lemm.ee

So this is going to be a little bit of a rant and a little bit of a laugh

A few days ago at work the morning shift manager asked me to lock in the room I was using when I was done. This is because the night shift has been coming in there and not cleaning up after themselves. Unfortunately due to them coming in early and me trying to finish up my work. I was not able to get it locked before they showed up.

I let them know that I've been told to lock the room. I gave them a half hour warning before I had to leave and then a 10 minute warning. They were left willingly. They told me it doesn't matter because they can get back in, because one of the doors didn't lock. For this reason they decided to leave their stuff in the room. They even had to unlock the door that they said didn't lock to leave. As I had already locked that one.

Well surprised Pikachu face. They could not get back in the room and at least one of them had left their car keys in there. About half hour later I got a call from the right manager ask me why I left the room and why I didn't put their stuff outside room, because now he has to drive to work on his day off to unlock the room for them so they can get her stuff (I don't have a key to that room).

I feel like I gave them every opportunity to not have their stuff locked in the room. And I've never been one to be sorry for somebody who's been repeatedly told something is going to happen and then gets surprised when it happens.

I don't think I might have any fallout on this, but still the night manager is a little annoying with me right now. Luckily I only work morning and mid shift. So I don't have to deal with him a lot.

P.S. I have no problem when someone needs help or kindness. We all need support sometime. But if someone wants to do something stupid after they have been told not to, I will not save them.

all 10 comments
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[-] cerement@slrpnk.net 19 points 4 weeks ago
  • “The copier isn’t working!”
  • “Uh-huh, and what does it say on the screen?”
  • “It says it’s out of paper.”
  • “And?”
  • “I don’t know.”
  • “What does it show next to the message?”
  • “It shows a picture of how to load paper.”
[-] scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 9 points 4 weeks ago

It's time for my favorite phrase!

Learned Helplessness

My mother is a perfect example of this. "I got this letter from my 401k, here, can you read it?" "What does it say?" "I don't know, can you just read it" Then it says something like "Please update your information" or something basic like that. "Looks like you better update your information". "Ohhhh".

It's an interesting read, and after learning about it and being in IT, it explained a lot to me.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 17 points 4 weeks ago

This is on the morning manager. He should've confronted the night team and had them sort out their shit instead of asking you to carry out his passive aggressive plan.

[-] Everythingispenguins@lemmy.world 3 points 4 weeks ago

So just for context he is never here when the night crew comes in. He is in at 4:30 am.

Also I would bet he tried to use official channels first.

Though you do make a good point.

[-] CosmicCleric@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

This is on the morning manager. He should’ve confronted the night team and had them sort out their shit instead of asking you to carry out his passive aggressive plan.

Definitely this. Unless they want to start paying you an assisted manager salary, you did your due diligence by warning them (based on what you described to us).

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[-] SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I'm always the odd guy out who does listen when someone tells me something and then, shocker, I don't usually have many troubles.

This goes all the way back to my childhood when my class wanted to "prank" our teacher on April Fool's. They wanted to walk out of class after lunch like it was a half-day. I reasoned 1. our teacher knows it isn't a half-day 2. we have never had a half-day that ended with a lunch recess then coming back to get our stuff and going home. To me, it didn't make any fucking sense and the teacher would see through it. It was a stupid fucking prank.

I went back to my seat after lunch, other kids got detention. I don't know, humans are fucking stupid apparently and literally won't listen to reason. This is when I was 11 years old that I learned how fucking stupid some people can be.

this post was submitted on 05 May 2024
13 points (68.6% liked)

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