[-] scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech 5 points 22 hours ago

The amount of times I've been online and misdiagnosed myself, man I don't even know. Worst case was I convinced myself I had afib. Knew it, from all of my reading and everything I had all the symptoms.

Except I didn't have them, because since I've never experienced the symptoms I thought I had the symptoms, but I did not.

The knowledge isn't "gatekept", it's not something they hide away in a chest. It takes 10 years of medical school and several more after that of on the job training just to be a junior doctor. Talk about minimizing how complex the human body and all possible ailments are. We go to doctors not for the 15 minutes in the exam room with them, but because of the decades of knowledge they learned so we didn't have to.

Yeah we don't have the post counts to ignore one just because it got down voted once ! There are many posts that come back from the dead.

And I say this to everyone, you're already doing it'd be the change you want to see. If there's a niche community with no posts, start posting. People will gather to it.

Welcome back! Depends on what you like, there's a good chunk of communities now. Just make sure to keep expectations in check, we're not Reddit, a good community here has a couple of posts a day and dozens, not thousands of comments. Your post here I'd say is doing pretty well.

We're still growing, slowly, but you're proof that people are growing tired of corporate social media.

I gave myself the 2 week rule with my own hypochondria and anxiety. If something lasts for more than 2 weeks, it's officially time to get over myself and go talk to someone. If I get a random ache I can never tell is this me getting older, or is this something serious. Very unlikely 2 weeks will be enough to kill me, so I make a mental note of when I started feeling a certain way. If it's happening after 2 weeks, it's usually time to see a doctor. Most things go away and I completely forget about. The other ones the doctor usually agrees in it was time for me to come in. Last one was simple heart burn, but it lasted so long, they told me it was good to come in, put me on some simple stuff, it was gone relatively quickly.

As my favorite doctor sang, "It's best to know the truth, for that I have no doubt"

Going to the internet is great for the best over the counter itch ointment, or all natural throat lozenges, but a persistent cough? That's for sure 100% doctor territory. That's not looking for cures or advice, that requires a diagnosis, which is scary, but what is more scary is not knowing. The saying is true, knowing is half the battle. Plus the longer it goes undiagnosed the worse it gets.

@OP, call your doctor, if you don't have one just call a nearby clinic and tell them you're a new patient. (You can either ask them or check with your insurance to see if they're in-network). I deal with a lot of anxiety too, but part of life is learning how to live with it. Either by facing your fears or by talking to a professional, of which I've done both. A year ago I barely could get out of bed due to crippling anxiety and depression. I got up, I got help, and now I'm much much better. A disease won't care how anxious you are, go see a doctor.

Choose a license is great, they did an amazing job. I'm personally a fan of gpl. Sorry Amazon/Microsoft/corpo world. If you want to use my stuff great, but then you have to share your stuff too.

It's only a bandaid over a gaping wound, but check out Fakespot, an extension for Firefox and Chrome. It won't help with google play, but when browsing Amazon, BestBuy, or other retailers they use machine learning to detect duplicate/repetitive reviews, and go into reviewers' history to determine if they are trustworthy.

I've seen a lot of "5 star products" get an adjusted rating of <2 because of this extension.

It doesn't, but I do think we should be happy folks are sticking around. I'm almost at one year!

God I'm so tired of corpo-speak.

Just be honest and admit you're looking to strangle it for profit

I've used those request stops! Those sort of rural lines are exactly what we're missing here in the states, just bouncing back and forth on the line. You can see here Americans don't even know what they are, but they're the perfect solution for these lines going between little towns

Depends on what you call a "whole ass train". Many of these routes could be easily service by a 1 or 2 car DMU like the rural routes in Scotland and Wales.

Great, now we can have traffic but on these old rails.

How about, and I know this is a radical idea, actually fixing up the old rail lines and putting trains on them instead of this gimmick?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Interesting problem here. So I self host jellyfin, happy to share my (owned) movies with my family. Well, my mother has asked me to digitize her collection too and have me host it. Originally, fine, you give your movies to me, I host them, same thing.

However, what I didn't bet on was the amount of garbage, terrible movies she would give me. There's a few that are fine, but the vast majority are, well I'll just put it bluntly, christian propaganda. I don't think any of them are as terrible as some of the worst case, but think "My life was horrible until I found god now look and see how fulfilled I am" type propaganda - and they make for horrible plots. Left Behind with Kirk Cameron is a good example. Even removing the blatent boring christian plots - it's just a horribly made movie. Cheap, not thought out well, and honestly I read the book decades ago, it's a horrible adaptation too.

Not that I keep only top tier movies in my libraries, but these are, well they just bring a pit to my stomach.

What would you do in my situation? (And I'm going to go ahead and say the pure atheist comments aren't needed, yes of course I could burn them, or dance around them, but I'm not looking to just burn the bridge between my mother and myself over a lifetime of her indoctrination and bad taste in movies). I'm more looking for generic, how do you handle your users asking you to put content you don't find appealing on your server?


Hey folks, I've been training Loras now for a while, and have some scripts I really like that I've been working with. However, I realized I haven't been keeping up lately, so, is SDXL still the best for Loras? And by that I mean before with 1.5 and standard SDXL is the most accurate quality I've received.

My Loras seem to work fine with Lightning and Turbo models, but is there anything else I should look into? Any major things that you've changed in the last 6 months to your trainings? Is sdxl_base the best basemodel to train off of?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech to c/citylife@beehaw.org

I've followed Cara Nicole for a while now, she does a great job at explaining finance in easy and non-judgemental ways.

This episode came out yesterday, and it highlights everything about what I've disliked about Taylor's latest rollouts, and how our fandom loses such large amounts of money.

And hey, I'm guilty of it myself, I won 4 copies of Midnights - but TPD I only have 1 coming.

Don't worry she's not hating on Taylor, but she does bring up a lot of very good points.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech to c/satisfactory@lemmy.world

Oh I'm excited for this one!

spoilerThe HTTP API?! Oh I am building so many integrations with this. First up, discord webhooks to notify me when friends are playing!

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