My experience with windows:
- Requies a monthly reinstall just to squeeze better performance.
- I pay for a licence and I still don't own a copy of windows
- unnecessary services running in background without my concent, and I had no control over them, eating up resources.
My initial experience with Linux:
- I need to study it to know my way around.
- applications behave as intended and are reasonable with provided resources.
- I initially started out with a destop environment which came with some extra software I didn't need (subjective).
- experience was quite stable.
My current outlook towards Linux:
- My system is configured and equipped with tools I only need. No bloatware.
- Gives me a better idle temps than windows.
- FOSS has lot of talented software which got limitless potential. Your imagination is the limit.
- Better security and no surveillance.
- Nvidia drivers, and its respective tech needs to be fully adopted for Linux.