[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 15 points 10 months ago

Cilantro tastes like soap to me. I like it. I can eat as much of soap flavored plant as I want without shitting out bubbles.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 36 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

One time I got downvoted to oblivion and then followed and harassed for saying that employers shouldn't be allowed to drug test for thc.. In r/lsd of all places. I still don't know what that was about. Did I accidently trigger the "everyone dogpile this guy" bot algorithm, maybe in a different comment? Do lsd users just think they're better than everyone else just because past use of lsd can't really be drug tested for? This happened like a year ago and I'm still dumbfounded.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 35 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Visual studio code. There's nothing else that's anywhere near as good that doesn't cost money. Those annoying terminal text editors just don't do it for me. I need code autocomplete and do not understand how there exist people who have the patience to get by without it. I do not have the time to be switching tabs 20 times a second because I can't remember function parameter overloads. That intellisense autocomplete is just too good.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 19 points 10 months ago

I'm poor and I hate stupid bullshit. The only way to personalize ads for me is to make them go away.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 21 points 11 months ago

Pretty soon you'll be required to get one of these as a condition of employment. Just watch.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 20 points 11 months ago

The Lemmy.world server runs on a 16mhz 386dx and has 16mb of ram. It just does that sometimes.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 16 points 11 months ago

We are living in a real life 1984

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

We should harass the fuck out of this guy until he removes it. This shit is completely uncalled for.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 24 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The thing is that Boost was a really good 3rd party reddit app. It was very stable and had a lot of attention to detail and quality of life things you don't notice until it's gone.

If Boost really is going to come to Lemmy and be in the same or similar level of quality as it was on reddit, it's going to be awesome.

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 30 points 11 months ago

The "dead" platforms still exist it just that they've undergone unacceptable amounts of corporate enshitification.

submitted 11 months ago by PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

C# is a useful object oriented programming language. You can generally do the same stuff as you can in C++ but as a game modder there is 1 huge advantage C# has over C++ and that's the way it handles include path orders, or it's lack thereof.

I actually typed out and described a scenario where this starts messing things up but it was quite verbose. But the tl;dr is that it's possible to get stuck in a situation where you have circular include dependencies (kind of like how circular dependencies screw you over really hard in Linux package managers sometimes). If you planned the structure of your code really really well this shouldn't be too big of a problem but if you're extending something that is both complicated and wasn't meant to be extended upon, it starts becoming a problem.

C# doesn't really have this problem because instead of including header files, it does that "using blahblahblah;" business which doesn't run into include order problems.

C# is "open source" but it was invented by Microsoft and is hard to use without dealing with Microsoft. I don't want to contribute to the agenda of proprietary software in any capacity so I make all my projects in C++. C++ is very powerful but for certain gaming-oriented use cases, while it is the best choice most of the time it's not the best choice all the time.

How do I use C# in a responsible and open-source way? Do I just have to avoid using visual studio? I don't own a single Windows or Mac computer that actually boots up. Do I avoid dotnet framework? Do I have to avoid everything dotnet? What about Net Core?

Typing g## into a terminal window isn't a thing so what's the FOSS way to use C#?

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Yeah why the fuck is that? VSCode has no business being as good as it is. It's developed by Microsoft, after all. Are they planning to take it away from us and charge money for it in a few years? Why does it work on Linux so easily? Is it a government conspiracy to fill our brains with subliminal messages somehow? Wtf is the catch?

My best educated guess is that's it's a ploy of some kind. If Microsoft makes a free code editor that's really good, maybe no one will make a free open source one that's as good so that they will have control over the 1 most viable code editor? There are other things similar to VSCode but they cost money and are too big a pain to pirate because VSCode is better than them anyway.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Using php + sql and maybe a little javascript is generally an OK-ish method that has few strings attached and runs on anything. However there are a lot of modern frameworks that let you do a lot more stuff. There things like django, firebase, blazor, asp net or whatever but what FOSS equivalent to this "next gen" web development stuff should we be using?

[-] PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml 20 points 11 months ago

I use Arch btw

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml to c/android@lemmy.ml

Jeroba is already lackluster and there's a lot of stuff you can't do on Jeroba that you can do when browsing lemmy through a web browser. One new issue that jeroba has developed is that now it crashes a lot. This has crossed the line for me. It was already a pain to use but the crashing makes it so much worse. Are there any alternative apps yet?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml to c/programming@lemmy.ml

I have this one .hpp file in a c++ project that's complicated. Too complicated. For this ONE fucking file, VS Code has decided to underline a bunch of random stuff in red and it refuses to show me autocomplete data. It doesn't show me member functions or variables and it doesn't show me functions that match what I've typed so far BUT ONLY IN THIS ONE FILE. The only reason I'm using VS Code at all is because this project is so mind-bogglingly complicated i simply can't remember everything and switching back and fourth between tabs, windows and monitors wastes so much time when you have to do it constantly.

VS Code always does this but you can usually get rid of the problem by closing it and opening it again. No such luck here. Having to do any work in this file without those autocomplete features is going to be such a drag. I actually tried moving the content of this stubborn hpp file to the h file but somehow VS Code is smart enough to troll me by underlining all the same stuff in red and not showing autocomplete data for the 1 block i copied in. How does it even know to troll me like this?

Other than switching to Windows 11 and using visual studio (like ms wants us to), what can I even do?

Also, there's nothing wrong with the code itself. g++ happily compiles and runs it and the relevant parts of the program work as expected.

Edit: hmm I changed the define keyword a little and its working for now although I wouldn't be surprised if that's not the case tomorrow. VS Code is good when it works but when it's being unreliable its just a glorified Windows XP notepad.exe with a dark theme.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by PeterPoopshit@lemmy.ml to c/shittyasklemmy@lemmy.ml

OK guys I just got out of my 2 day ban for "trolling". All I did was make post on here and it wasn't even the type of thing that would get you in trouble for posting it on reddit. This is unacceptable. The goal of this place is to be as much like shitty ask reddit as possible. Lemmy.ml apparently doesn't like shitposting so we need to move somewhere with better rules.

Any ideas on where we should go? By default, I'm going to go with beehaw maybe but idk.


People are always saying stuff like "I don't give a fuck" but, like, what if you did give a fuck? How much would that really cost you? What exactly is the monetary value of 1 fuck?


Personally, I like pissing in sinks but it can be great fun to piss on other people's cars.


Asking for a friend

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