[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 days ago

I've noticed a few minor bugs, but nothing major. Overall a solid update. Explicit sync working perfectly.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 2 points 4 days ago

I usually do distro repos, followed by aur, then flatpak if the aur version is too cumbersome (e.g. obs, game emulators). Funnily enough I use steam native because when I was using the flatpak. I had trouble with mods and things of that nature. A lot of that stuff either needs to be moved to different locations, straight up doesn't work, or requires a bit of permission fiddling and I just didn't wanna go through that. On the other hand. I believe there was a glibc issue on Arch that broke all games on steam native for a couple of days which the flatpak didn't suffer from. Just goes to show nothing is perfect either way.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It does and I'm beta testing plasma 6.1 now. I can confirm it is there. I'll have to give it a try later.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 36 points 4 days ago

Maybe you should have considered the stuff he wanted to do before convincing him to use linux. I could have told you he'd have problems with that stuff. If he said he mainly plays steam games then sure, but not literally the most finicky, cumbersome games to get going in existence. Also out of curiosity because I haven't even thought about Roblox in like 8 years. I thought that was a browser game?

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 19 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Me and a buddy just set up syncthing and use that when we need to do this and don't want in third parties involved. Turn it off when you are done.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 44 points 1 month ago

My problem with this is that the vast majority of times. Works of art are not the works of a singular person. However, because a single bad person was in it or involved in its production. Some people view viewing that work work as supporting that bad person. For example: how many people worked on the movie space jam? I try to avoid things produced by bad people as much as possible, but you also have to look at the scope of the works involved. If the studio itself was involved in such an incident. That would be enough to justify boycotting the entire studio. If it was a singular person, then I expect that person to no longer be allowed in future works, but not a call for the the total avoidance of current and past works.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 18 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Purchasing my first home, apparently all info regarding the sale is public information. Companies scrape or buy this data and then spam your mailbox with various extra services. In my case, it was mortgage premium insurance or something like that. Anyways, the letter I received in the mail went something like this: "You forgot something important regarding your home purchase". I don't remember the exact words, but it was something like that.

I'm a first time home buyer and I am trying to stay on top of things. Of course, because they are able to get all the information regarding the sale. It looks legit, they have my name, address, loan number, loan amount, the bank serving the loan and everything. I call to make sure everything is alright and fortunately they didn't answer. I took the extra time to look up what mortgage premium insurance even was and that is how I came across the fact that it may be a scam.

Anyways, they call me back eventually and by this time I am on to them. I ask some questions regarding their company and the entire time they keep repeating the name of the bank that is serving my loan, but refuse to give me the name of their company. After a bit more back and forth they finally let it slip that they are from some unrelated insurance company to which I decline their offer. I wanted to curse them out, but I just wasn't raised that way.

Edit: A lot of people don't take online privacy seriously. Usually going whats the harm. I was never really comfortable with it to the point of apathy, but I was a bit lax at times. This experience made me find out first hand what the harm of everyone having access to your data is.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 106 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

So as it turns out, if you give people a choice. Some of them will pick something else.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 25 points 3 months ago

Press X to doubt.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 41 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Bruh, Mozart's whole ass name was cool as hell. Not just his last name. This man wins hands down.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 31 points 3 months ago

This is true for every OS that you don't use regularly though. I have been learning this the hard way since I haven't ran Windows in years, but have started doing so for work. There are lots of little issues that people just seem to not notice anymore because they are used to it.

[-] D_Air1@lemmy.ml 18 points 10 months ago

Why not use something else? I know what community this is but still. Internet Archive serves a lot of important purposes and they've got enough heat on their back as is.

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