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Deeply unserious country where a coin toss can unironically make the difference in which president gets elected.
Several coin tosses made by
The coin fell and rolled into a drain
my wife and children were taken from me because i called heads. such is life in communist north korea
Straight sex
Anton chigurh came into my gas station in the middle of nowhere and flipped me for my life and I won and now I work at a gas station in the middle of nowhere
The meme where the wojack is misinterpreting media where the real meaning going over his head is "killing people is exciting"
finals or semifinals to some tcg tournament circuit years ago, could have gone forward to nationals I think otherwise, the field was very weak. Don’t play Pokémon lol
Don’t play Pokémon lol
been not doing it my whole life
The PTCG phone game is super frustrating when I flip tails like 8 times in a row. I can't imagine doing that IRL lol
The coin flips are the worst part of the game by far. Everyone IRL uses dice for it, heads = even, tails = odd.
That makes a lot of sense, especially since you're probably bringing some as counters anyways
You mean pocket or the actual one? Pocket has way more coin flips
Yep pocket. I'm just totally not salty about losing a match from 8 missed coin flips for Celebi
The amount of flips in regular Pokemon tcg is so much less. There's a stat at the end of each match on ptcglive of "coin flips won" and almost always it says 0 or 1 for both
What deck were you running? When was it? I'm doing the opposite of your advice and playing raging bolt rn
are people regularly betting things on coin tosses
You've been betting your whole life. You just didn’t know it.
I've bet double digit money on black/red in roulette but that's less likely than a coin toss. Not a big gambler
Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer AC (17 December 1937 – 26 December 2005) was an Australian media tycoon, and was considered one of Australia's most powerful media proprietors of the twentieth century.
Packer is quoted for an exchange in a poker tournament at the Stratosphere Casino, where a Texan oil investor was attempting to engage him in a game of poker. Upon the Texan saying "I'm worth $60 million!", Packer apparently pulled out a coin and asked nonchalantly, "heads or tails?", referring to an A$120 million wager (according to Bob Stupak's biography). Some variations of the story put the sum at A$60 million to A$100 million and say the line was "I'll toss you for it".
The rest of the section.
Packer was a long-time heavy smoker and an avid gambler, fabled for his large wins and losses. In 1999, a three-day losing streak at London casinos cost him almost A$28 million – the biggest reported gambling loss in British history.
Once he won A$33 million at the MGM Grand Casino in Las Vegas, and he often won as much as A$7 million each year during his annual holidays in the UK. Packer's visits were a risky affair for the casinos, as his wins and losses could make quite a difference to the finances of even bigger casinos. Packer was also known for his sometimes volcanic temper—and for his perennial contempt for journalists who sought to question his activities.
In the late 1990s, he walked into a major London casino and played £15 million on four roulette tables on his own and lost it all. This has been confirmed by casino owners in South East England.
Former PGA professional John Daly said on the Full Send Podcast that Packer closed down the Desert Inn Casino (which was replaced by the Wynn Hotel) by winning 52 million dollars in one day and insisting they pay him in cash, as the previous day when he lost 8.2 million dollars they insisted he pay them in cash.
The Ritz Hotel in London even had its own room for Kerry Packer. There he was able to play blackjack with a minimum bet of £10,000 per hand. He once lost more than £19 million in this room.
I got to second in a magic draft. I was running Grixis Ping and using that coin-flip black rogue card to keep myself on life support. I think I won some ten flips in a row, so I only lost a lot because I spent so many turns winning.