Why? Because I’m a surgeon.
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RULES (updated 01/22/25)
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Why? Because I’m a surgeon.
Now that sounds scar(r)y
Languages definitely. I want to be able to pick up new languages with ease
Good one. I'm studying Esperanto right now, because I watched a TedTalks vid where they said learning Esperanto (because it's fairly easy to learn) teaches your brain to be bilingual. And that in turn, makes it much easier to start learning other languages.
Dankon, amiko!
Physics, all of it. It's such an interesting fields and I'd love to understand all the new discoveries without an article dumbing it down for me.
Oh boy yes
Public speaking. You could get a lot of stuff done and fixed if you can convince people to do it. Doesn't matter how good or smart you are if you can't convince other people.
An existing field?
I mean, if not, I think that it'd be a pretty easy call to be one that nobody is in, preferably one from the future -- now you have access to a bunch of unique and thus highly-valuable knowledge.
I want to be a renaissance painter
Don't monkey pawn me
You’re burned at the stake by the church for your weird handheld light devicd
For me: Planetary science. We are making space discoveries every day. It'd be so cool to be in that room when that information comes across the computers and everyone discusses what the new discovery means.
Counting cards at a casino
You would be disappointed to discover that they watch for this and will ask you to leave if they suspect anything.
Oh I know, but I’d get so good I’d somehow go undetected. Just let me fantasize! Lol
Then like asking a genie to grant me more wishes I’d take the money and become an expert in something else lol and it be a never ending wish scheme.
Computer science/programming. So I could hack the planet.
It's going to be really slow since it only has one core
This question made me realize that I could become an expert in anything I wanted at any time; there is nothing stopping me. I guess I'm just not interested.
Survivalist knowledge would be practical in emergency situations. You'd get things like first aid, nutrition, self-defense... Seems pretty broadly applicable.
e: Thought of something. I want to be an expert assassin. Really top grade action movie shit so I can kill whoever I want while maintaining safety, secrecy, and connections.
Probably carpentry. It's highly relevant to what I do for a living. I have the tools and the physical abilities but there are big holes in my know-how
Music. Specifically woodwinds. Because I like them.
I choose the skill of being able to open any food packaging (bacon, I'm specifically looking at you, here) quickly and easily without tools, weapons, or heavy machinery.
Now that you mention it, I need this skill as well!
Japanese. It’s the one language that I need the most that I suck at learning. It just doesn’t make sense unlike Chinese. I have learned it for a while but it’s constantly flowing away from me.
You might look up synthetic vs analytic languages and see if that doesn't shed some light for you. I think most people who don't natively speak very synthetic languages have a hard time with it in second languages.
Makes sense why English, Chinese, and even Vietnamese make sense to me but Japanese doesn’t.
Yeah it really messes with me
Mechanical Engineering. Firstly because I am already studying it, but it’s also a super broad field, so if I’m an expert in all of it, I’ve just become an expert in like a dozen different fields.
Aerospace, biomedical, materials science, robotics, mechatronics, fluid dynamics, dynamic systems & controls, nuclear energy and all the other energy production types like fusion, even some branches in quantum computing and weird physics like Alcubierre drives.
Sure maybe it’s limited to the extent of where those fields are now, but I basically just became an expert in all of human technology.
If this implies success in that field, I would choose financial investing.
Using a bit of those funds, I could go learn and become an expert in many fields and enjoy each one. If your not learnin' you're dyin'
Good choice!
Maybe competitive fighting video games for fun. My job doesn’t really let me focus on video games
Survivalist. Because, headlines.
Good choice!
Judo. bc it's freakin' cool, but I'm at an age where just doing the warm-up drills are too much for me.