I feel like the obvious answer is bourbon, but there are so many different ones it's impossible to say what's best. Include other whiskeys, ryes and it becomes the great unsolvable question.
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Which bourbon is your favorite?
I have to say Wild Turkey 101. It's ubiquitous, very affordable, and delicious.
I think my favorite is dandelion wine, which a friend made for a party by picking dandelions and making the wine themselves. Quite good, and also quite strong
Rye whiskey. Not as popular as bourbon, but there's some decent ones here.
I’ll suggest Bulleit Rye for great tasting and won’t break the bank
I like the Wild Turkey Rye.
Old Grandad is a bourbon, but it's about a 30% rye mash bill, so it can be a nice middle ground. The Bottled in Bond version was really good when I could find it.
The Oriental cocktail was one of my favorite ways to have it other than straight up. It's like a Manhattan and a Margarita had a baby.
1.5 oz rye 0.75 oz sweet vermouth 0.75 oz orange liquor 0.5 oz lime juice
Shake with ice and strain.
Ciroc, if it’s made here. Idk