bummed to death?
Clever Comebacks
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Maybe this.
"Stuart Lubbock's body was found in the pool in Roydon, Essex, after a party in which drugs and alcohol were taken.
He died later at Harlow's Princess Alexandra Hospital, police said.
Tests revealed the 31-year-old suffered "horrific" sexual assault injuries. An investigation into his death continues."
Guy found dead in his pool with severe anal injuries and lots of drugs in his system. No one has gone to jail, and Michael sued when arrested under suspicion of being involved, he was let go.
Also one partygoer claimed he was rubbing cocaine on the victim's gums earlier in the night. Also the guy's lawyers tried to claim that the anal injuries happened at the morgue. Also this hasn't been a very fun rabbit hole to go down.
It's a pretty unpleasant affair with some properly shady legal shenanigans and, in the end, the family of the deceased don't have closure because of the wall of silence that has descended around this.
Wild. 9 people in the house.
And no-one knows nuffink your honour.
Real bummer that was.
Fucking bumders
"To shreds, you say?"
And what about his wife?
What point was he even trying to make? This is what who does?
He meant to say "They" you know, The Establishment, the public lynch mobs, etc some other shady group who doesn't like famous, rich, white guys doing exactly what they want with no consequences.
What does "bummed to death" mean?
Raped. In this case. But “bummed” is a British way of saying “had anal sex.”
Oh wow I had no idea. Thanks.
In the US, being bummed means being disappointed.
The anal sex was disappointing!
Bummed about the lackluster bumming
If you "are bummed" you're disappointed. If you "get bummed" you had an exciting evening.
But you can “get bummed out” and in the American sense. Although in this context it does sound like, “getting bummed out” means like “getting turned out.” So like a serious bumming.