submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by SomeoneElse@lemmy.world to c/confidently_incorrect@lemmy.world

How this community is moderated.

~~I’m the sole moderator here but~~ I have a couple of accounts on different instances so I can see all the comments regardless of DDoS and defederaton. My main account is SomeoneElseMod@feddit.uk but I’m also SomeoneElse@ lemmy.world, feddit.uk and lemmy.ca. You can contact me on any account.

EDIT: devtimi@lemmy.world has volunteered to mod with me so there are two of us now!

This community has quickly grown to 2.5k subscribers, 30 posts and a whopping 1.4k comments in just a month. Thank you to everyone who’s followed the rules and subscribed, voted, or commented. To ensure this community remains the friendly, entertaining and inclusive place it was intended to be, please report any comments that break the rules listed in the sidebar.

If you break the rules, your comment is likely to be removed. I will also message you with either a reminder to follow the rules or a warning. You get one warning. If you break the rules again, you will be banned.

Additional moderators.

So fair the vast majority of subscribers have followed the rules and discussions have been largely respectful and interesting. Thank you to everyone who’s contributed. My hope for this community is that it continues with a Lemmy feel and doesn’t turn into a Reddit 2.0. To that end I just wanted to remind everyone to read the rules in the sidebar. Please report any comments/users that break those rules.

It’s likely that I’ll need help modding this community if it continues to grow at its current pace, so if you’re interested, drop me a message. Having previous moderator experience and living in a different time zone from me (Europe, BST) would be ideal but it’s not a must by any means.

I’m open to all suggestions on how this community is run including adding or refining community rules, posting guidelines and feedback on how hands on or off you’d like the moderating team to be. Feel free to message me or comment below.

It’s good to have you here 😊

  • SomeoneElse
[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 144 points 10 months ago

I need to find more opportunities to use “I don’t know what kind of ruse you’re trying to perpetrate” in my life. Preferably over completely banal things.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by SomeoneElse@lemmy.world to c/murderedbywords@feddit.uk
Cinnamon Stick. (lemmy.world)
[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 43 points 10 months ago

I’m immunosuppressed so even though I’ve had 6 vaccines now, I still might not have built up enough antibodies to help me survive covid if I catch it. I don’t really go anywhere and wear a mask when I do so I’m as safe as I can be… Except I need a carer to help me out for about 8 hours a week and an unbelievable amount of self employed carers aren’t vaccinated. These are people who work with the elderly and vulnerable and they refuse to get vaccinated. It’s absolutely mind boggling to me.

Fancy a dip? (lemmy.world)
Power cuts. (lemmy.world)
Fancy a drink? (lemmy.world)
[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 43 points 11 months ago

It’s true that for an average Brit, eating beef 3x a week is worse for the environment in a year than their annual holiday to Greece.

But billionaires aren’t just taking “a few private flights” they’re taking flights more often than I eat meat in the first place.

I’ve cut down on meat and my water and electricity usage, I haven’t been on a plane in 10 years. I use the car about once a month. I recycle, reuse, repurpose, I very very rarely buy new things. I’m chronically ill and living in fuel poverty. I’m anaemic ffs. How much more are the poor expected to do when then rich do nothing?

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 54 points 11 months ago

So would cracking down on the unnecessary private flights billionaires take.

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 44 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think this is the same guy who was arrested by his own police force not long ago for “trespassing”. The guy walked down the driveway of a house he thought was abandoned, the homeowner saw him, grabbed his gun and held him at knife point until the police arrived and arrested him. I’ll see if I can’t find a link.

Edit: I was thinking of another (acting) black mayor of a southern state who’s being stymied by his racist colleagues. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna93318

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 136 points 11 months ago

You’re commenting in a community called “Reddit”…

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 51 points 11 months ago

“Everything happens for a reason”

  • technically correct, completely unhelpful.

“God doesn’t give you more than you can handle”

  • Fuck. Off.
[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 93 points 11 months ago

Sometimes chrome doesn’t autocomplete the url I’ve started typing to it takes me to search results, not the website.

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 130 points 11 months ago

I’ve just remembered “I’m a free speech absolutist, but not when it comes to parodies of me” and “tweeting my publicly available flight logs is sending out assassination coordinates”. What a joke of an individual. Cry more Elmo.

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 257 points 11 months ago

I don’t mean to be rude OP, but your entire contribution to lemmy has been 5 comments and this single post about Reddit. In order to gain traction as a viable alternative to Reddit we need OC and active participation in the comment section. Be the change you want to see and lead by example - start posting interesting non-Reddit related stuff yourself. The more people that do, the better lemmy will be.

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 42 points 1 year ago

I can only assume that people don’t understand why it was brought in on YouTube and TikTok in the first place because so many people do it when it isn’t remotely necessary. If you make your living posting on social media, then fair enough, I understand you need to fall inline with the rules of the platform. But why the hell would you self censor posts you don’t make money from? Utterly ridiculous.

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 254 points 1 year ago

Needlessly censoring words like sex. It wasn’t necessary on Reddit and it certainly isn’t necessary now.

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