[-] jet@hackertalks.com 6 points 5 hours ago

Babbling brook vs Tsunami... Both will get you wet...

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 6 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Check the documentation for your soldering station, if your soldering station doesn't have any documentation you can go with the melting point of the solder itself plus some overhead.

But as illustrated below, it can get a little complicated, if you're doing a lot of soldering with the same solder you'll experiment and figure out what's good for you

Ideally you want to use the lowest temperature you can get away with, using too much temperature can potentially shorten the lifespan of your soldering tips, and potentially damage the printed circuit board.

Get a testing board, any old board will do, and do some soldering and desoldering at different temperatures.


lets look at the melting points of common solders:

  • Tin/Lead (Sn63/Pb37) - 183°C
  • SAC 305 (Sn/Ag3.0/Cu0.5) - 220°C
  • SN100 (Sn) - 232°C

Now let's add the 50°C we need for making a good soldering connection:

  • Tin/Lead: 183°C + 50°C = 233°C
  • SAC 305: 220°C + 50°C = 270°C
  • SN100: 232°C + 50°C = 282°C

We now need to consider the type of soldering station we are using......Soldering Station which has very good performance, we should add approximately 100°C as the heat reserve for quick thermal recovery.  The resulting temperature settings are:

  • Tin/Lead: 233°C + 100°C = 333°C
  • SAC 305: 270°C + 100°C = 370°C
  • SN100:  282°C + 100°C = 382°C
[-] jet@hackertalks.com 7 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

I want to take the time and respond to you. I think there's some interesting things to unpack. But my experience on Lemmy, with unhinged people, is you will delete your post and my response will go missing.

So to that end please take my efficiency response

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 11 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Clean everything with a board cleaner/alcohol.

Use a heat gun for the stubborn things.

Solder wick is fine, but if it's a through hole on a ground plane your going to be there a really long time.

Use the least amount of heat you can get away with.

Sometimes adding fresh solder on top of the old solder helps the heat spread so you can use the wick more effectively.

Constantly use fresh wick, and if it's really stubborn dip your wick in extra flux.

Desoldering guns are awesome, but a little spendy.

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 4 points 10 hours ago

Domain registration, DNS, VPN

Donations: grapheneos, briar, molly.im, Tor, eff

Just a few things I regularly use crypto for today.

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 48 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

When you're done soldering, cover the soldering iron tip in solder, and store it covered in solder. This prevents it from oxidizing when you're not using it

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 8 points 10 hours ago

What does flux actually do?

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 17 points 10 hours ago

What's the difference between groundwater, and water in soil?

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 4 points 15 hours ago

Finished the video a good indictment of Disney and good call-out to the sustainable ongoing french space hotel. I guess that is where I need to go for this experience

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 13 points 1 day ago

Sunshine + moonlight

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 14 points 1 day ago

Room for improvement!!!

[-] jet@hackertalks.com 34 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Defense against homoglyph attacks is a good thing. I'm sure they haven't had a big issue, but they have a homoglyph detector and that's a great idea. More systems should implement a generalized homoglyph detector.

Kudos to wikibooks

Kalcifer KaIclfer Kaloifer Кalcifer


submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by jet@hackertalks.com to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

From open bench table : https://openbenchtable.com/

To just sitting on top of a anti static mat...

There are options for how to manage a test computer.

Do you have a preferred case that is portable, stackable, and still easy to work on?

I've thought about Fractal cases but they are on the bulky side of things. I've thought about a 4U case Silverstone rm44, but then the components are hard to access.. and noise goes up

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by jet@hackertalks.com to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

I don't have this opinion lightly.

Arrowhead executives knew for 6 months before launch that this would be a mandatory PSN required situation. That happens when you take a deal with the devil and you take Sony's money.

By removing that requirement for 3 months at launch, they created a situation where many hundreds of thousands if not millions of players purchased a game they can no longer play at the end of this month. I don't blame them, they did what they thought they needed to do, and a very scrappy startup way, to get things working. But it was a failure of executive leadership to put them in a position where they've locked their own players out of the game, and their own money, and their progress.

I 100% believe this is a failure of the Arrowhead executive leadership. Their decisions have created this public outcry, and Sony is ostensibly taking the blame, because they're enforcing their contractual terms.

I predict Sony will back down, and allow an exception, at least for players who've already purchased the game in PSN blocked regions. But they're only going to do that to prevent themselves from getting dragged into regulatory quagmires around the globe.

From an executive position the Arrowhead CEO has completely failed, he put his financiers in a position where they are the public bad guys, and then when the heat turned up, the organization as a whole redirected the blame to the publisher, when they should have been the ones at fault. One might say this was a 4D chess move, to get their game free of the PlayStation Network requirements, but even if that's what falls out in the end, other executives looking at this performance will not appreciate it. Especially when it comes to them negotiating another project.

I do have a part to play. I am not blameless in all of this - it was my decision to disable account linking at launch so that players could play the game. I did not ensure players were aware of the requirement and we didn't talk about it enough.

We knew for about 6 months before launch that it would be mandatory for online PS titles.


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by jet@hackertalks.com to c/moviesandtv@lemm.ee

The film stars Martin Freeman, Simone Landers, Anthony HayesDavid GulpililSusie Porter, and Caren Pistorius.[3] It follows a couple and their baby travelling in remote Australia amid a deadly disease outbreak.

A decent film, I enjoyed it, emotionally i felt connected to the characters, but the scenario and logic was fairly low. 4/10, worth watching on a slow afternoon.

The atmosphere was good, the cinematography looked nice.


There are some youtube channels where I only want to see updates to specific playlists. Like the English playlist from the CCC, or only Yahtzee videos from second wind, etc.

What is the best way to managed playlists and see the new videos without subscribing to a whole noisy channel?

FreeTube as a open issue for this idea: https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/issues/312

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by jet@hackertalks.com to c/signal@lemmy.ml

Tldr: how do you modify a contact's name?

I've been playing around with these signal names functionality. Adding a bunch of people via names rather than phone numbers.

I can't seem to figure out how to change the name of the person, or add a note to the person, otherwise modify the contact in any way. So if a person names themselves a, and I talk to them, and then they rename themselves b. I have no way to know their name used to be a, or that I added them and talked to them as a. I only now see them as b.

Ideally I'd very much like to add notes, or modify the name of my contacts. For my own reference. IE Bob from the coffee shop etc etc

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by jet@hackertalks.com to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.ml

Stationary bicycles need support to stop from falling over because they lack gyroscopic stabilization. Right?

If you ride a free bicycle on a treadmill (so both wheels are spinning) will it fall over or stay upright?

If you fall over on a treadmill, does it matter if this treadmill bicycle combo is on a train?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by jet@hackertalks.com to c/videos@lemmy.world

45 minutes: An excellent presentation by Ben bickman. He goes over different life cycles of fat, different biological fat growth scenarios. He discusses how fat cells grow and shrink in different hormonal environments.

Not only is the data fascinating, he's an excellent presenter, being engaging and funny throughout

Near the end of the presentation he covers a N of one case study, where somebody gained weight, under different hormonal regimes. Really fascinating data


Share your food. Whatever your eating today. Bonus points for photos.

Crispy bacon, fish, eggs, spicy fish sauce, liver, and crunchy ears.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by jet@hackertalks.com to c/android@lemmy.world

On stock aosp, and pixel android, I can auto rotate the phone up, left, or right, but if I turn the phone upside down the screen won't rotate.

Is there a way to enable upside down rotation? I think it would be quite useful.

I.e. When phone is charging, or hanging phone up by a strap, or when using a usb-c device and you want to prop it up on a desk


Is a lighter effective because it's on fire? Or just because it's hot?

If you made a lighter that was just as hot as another lighter, would it work just as well even if it had no fire?

Invasion TV Show 2021 (en.wikipedia.org)
submitted 4 months ago by jet@hackertalks.com to c/moviesandtv@lemm.ee

Just finished binging Invasion Season 2.

Generally speaking, I liked some of the actors, the world is interesting, but I found the story got slower and slower as the show progressed. Each episodes A plot could be summarized in a sentence, and the B plot just dragged on forever.

I think the show leaned more toward mysterybox story telling, while dolling out universe plot points over each episode in a frustratingly slow fashion.

Season 2 - Episode 3 I kinda gave up, and wanted to find the episode guide and just read the plot synopsis for the rest of the season.... but nobody (wikipedia, imdb, anyone) actually had a writeup of the plot itself! I managed to finish the show by playing at 2x speed, and skipping about 85% of the episodes filler with 10s jumps. I watched 7 episodes of season 2 in about a hour of real time in this fashion.

Discussion of the plot, and spoilers ahead.

Plot Discussion

psychic aliens visit earth in invisible space ships, and set some level 1 remote controlled mooks to start spreading chaos and depopulating some parts of earth while spreading black goo.

Nothing can kill the Aliens, except fire, yet none of the militaries equip their soldiers with fire based weapons over the next two years (some rebels use flame throwers, but never a organized military).

The aliens leave a mcguffin that can kill aliens as debris on the ground, which is discovered by a psychic sensitive child. This McGuffin is never used, or studied, until the last episode of season 2.

Aliens psychic abilities have no delay and go faster than light. If a Alien ship is downed the mooks under its control deactivate for awhile.

A researcher slowly experiments with a Alien Thing (tm), finds a way to decloak some of their ships, a bunch are downed, and in response all the alien level 1 mooks get a OTA update and are now level 2 fireproof mooks - now nothing except mcguffin can even slow them down.

Alien Thing turns out to be a instant teleporter portal (why do they need ships?) connecting to a network other portals spread throughout the world, and assumably the alien ships.

Season 2 Ends with Psychic Humans opening a portal so Doom Slayer Type Soldier can take McGuffin into the portal network.

That is my best summary of the A plot. After watching 20 episodes I have some foundational questions still

  • Why are the Aliens here?

  • What do they want?

  • Why has it taken them over 2 years, and they still haven't done much - at all.

  • Terraforming - There are strong suggestions the planet is being terraformed, if thats the goal why leave humans to interfere?

What do you think the big season 3 plot will be?

Merry Christmas - Apetor (www.youtube.com)
submitted 4 months ago by jet@hackertalks.com to c/videos@lemmy.world

Happy Holidays

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joined 10 months ago