Any possibility to torrent this? Gdrive is a bit tricky to keep downloads available.
I do not know of a means to to that at this time. I live in a very remote area with no internet coverage and very poor phone coverage. That means I have neither the stable connection or bandwidth required for torrent. Therefore, I can not host files on my own. Torrent requires a software to act as a server and GDrive does not support torrent. If somebody else wants to host the files and provide a torrent they are welcome to do so. I am open to suggestions.
I'm not home right now, but I could definitely upload this somewhere.
A torrent would be good. However, I personally use tor browser / tails / whonix for privacy as much as I possibly/practically can, and torrenting and the tor network do not mix well. So I cannot do it myself without compromising my privacy/anonymity (vpns are not good enough to hide from NSA). Maybe if I get to the point where I can do I2P stuff, I could torrent over that, but that would be very far into the future.
Do you happen to have a mod named "soviet pd" or "soviet pixel dungeon" ? I had it 4 years ago but it always crashed because the language of my phone (or something like that) iirc the app icon was the symbol with the hammer & sickle thing , i also have been hunting for a pd mod that was inspired in the "journey to the west" tale without luck 😣
I am sorry, however I do not have any rock solid answers for you. It is possible that the games you referred to belong in a different category. The Russian game could be one of Watabou's early releases although I doubt it, even though he being Russian started pixel dungeon. Chances are if it is a pixel dungeon game that I have somehow missed, NYRDS likely created it as they are hardcore Russian pixel dungeon programmers. They created the remix pixel dungeon series. You can check this link for some additional details and maybe find what you are seeking. As to the Chinese inspired version of pixel dungeon, Ming usually releases those games. However, I have listed most of those so it seems unlikely I would have missed such an important one, although it is not impossible. I suspect that you may be mistaking the game. Check out this link for pixel Journey to the West and see if that is perhaps the game you are actually seeking. if you do not find the games in that list, please let me know and I will see if I can locate other possibilities. If a pixel dungeon game version was released that I am missing, I very much would like to acquire it as well.
Awesome, thank you
Thank you for providing the archive.
Do you have source code for all of these versions? As far as I know, these are all licensed under GPLv3. Under GPLv3, I believe that if you are distributing the binary of a program, you have to be willing to provide the source code to a user upon request. So it would be nice if you included source code with the apks by default.
edit- actually tbh I do not know enough about copyleft / gpl to know if you need to provide source code. Maybe it is just the developer of the fork that needs to provide the source code, not you. idk.
It's nice of you to imply that I'm breaking the law by sharing those files. However, to answer your question, no, I do not have the source codes for all of those games. Most of those games were written by other people and those source codes are available on GitHub. In addition, 00-Evan personally requested that I make those available to the public. Of course, if it's going to be an issue, I will simply shut down that G drive and not share those files with anybody any further. Personally, I find it peculiar that the archive has been available for a year now and nobody has had an issue with it including the lead developers of the games. As for my own Pixel Dungeon mods, of course I have the codes for that. While you're implying threats of legal dispute, you may as well go over to the older archives and complain to those people as well such as Domino wood and Fandom and 00-Evan's own PD archive. I'm sure that the PD community will really appreciate it. I have over 5GB of PD apk's, and a source is typically 10x the output size, which means about 60GB of source code. If YOU want to pay Google for over 65GB of storage and the additional bandwidth as well as copy it all from GitHub, let me know, otherwise, stop trolling.
whoa, no disrespect intended. just an honest question from someone who does not know the gpl that well.
if you want help, I have made mega uploads of stuff before. google drive is not accessible to me because I always use tor, and google requires my real life identity, but last time I tried, mega is accessible to me. I do not remember how much space they allow for free. I imagine that I would have to make multiple email addresses, one for each mega account, put 1 mod per mega account, and then write a pastebin of all of them linking to each mega address for each mod. I have no real computer education and therefore do not know how to code / automate / bot it, so making 200 email addresses would take a very long time. But I could do it eventually if I made one a day. It could be faster if I put more than 1 mod per account.
I am sorry that I have made you upset. I apologize.
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