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Diversity brings new perspectives and those new perspectives drive improvements to a company's culture and output. It's that simple.
Link to a single study I found easily, but there are many more. If you want your company to be successful, it behooves you to diversify your workforce as much as possible on every possible axis.
Exactly. Clearly you are responding to a troll, but here's the real reason: Microsoft will receive a ton of applications for every job. Many people will be qualified, so they have to choose based on other factors besides "how smart someone is" (as if an interview or resume could communicate that).
Basically they want to create the best team. Different people from different places have different ideas, no matter how "smart" they are. That means that a global company needs to get a bunch of diverse opinions from diverse people, otherwise you might just miss something important.
The best companies are not the "smartest" but the most flexible and able to respond to new information. Different opinions help you achieve that.
It doesn’t have to be based on smartness, just based on most capable person for the job.
I fucking hate really nuanced shit like this that I can see both sides of.
I always end up feeling dirty no matter which side I end up on.
I want clear black and white issues damn it
Not everyone you disagree with is a troll... And I never said people shouldn't be hired because they are of a different race, just don't hire SPECIFICALLY because they are a certain race. That is stupid. Hire based on skill, not race.
Love how many people here don't realize the racism in "let's hire a black guy instead" because diversity. Your color of skin, your gender, your hair color, eye color etc shouldn't be a decider on who you hire. That's equality. Having an entire office dedicated to doing just that is plain wrong.
no, downvote. fuck you for being thoughtful. we HATE DEI because woke BAD.
The only axis the corporate world cares about is (quite literally) skin deep.
Microsoft brought ads to windows. Thats some perspective there.
Yeah, I'm sure that's all because of DEI.
Im sayIng that dei is either doing jack shit or its harming the company
Or not every single decision at a multi-trillion dollar company is driven exclusively by diversity? Why would you be looking to DEI efforts to fix this specifically? This is just not a logical leap at all. Complete non-sequitur.
That's even all setting aside that Windows is going to sell just fine and those ads are going to drive increased profits, so this isn't even a bad thing from the MS perspective. DEI has a positive impact on things, but that doesn't mean it magically solves all of your problems from the POV of the customer?
So its doing jack shit. Great choice!
It's not fixing your pet issue, so it's doing nothing? Cool, great argument. It's like saying Doctors Without Borders didn't repeal Citizens United, so they're completely worthless. Genuine question, are you trolling? I would feel better for you if you were.
Okay, how about causing issues with metered connections? They fucked over a lot of people in 3rd world countries who pay by the gig
Hey Kacboom, we know this makes you uncomfortable. It shouldn't, though. And if it does, it's not the fault of people who support DEI. This is really a thing that affects you personally, and you should work on figuring out why that is. Imagine how free your life would feel if you didn't have to worry about things like this all the time.