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[-] Rooskie91@discuss.online 111 points 2 weeks ago

God this fucking masculinity bullshit. It's not masculine to drive big trucks that are impossible to park and maneuver. It's masculine to provide for your community, and to care about people without fear of how you'll be perceived.

[-] thefartographer@lemm.ee 23 points 2 weeks ago

Sure, but how's many miles per gallon do you get on this "community care?"


[-] knightly@pawb.social 25 points 2 weeks ago

You mistyped "Gallons per mile"

[-] moncharleskey@lemmy.zip 1 points 2 weeks ago

I'm tempted to get a bumper sticker that says "The bigger the ride, the smaller the rod."

[-] Droggelbecher@lemmy.world 7 points 2 weeks ago

I get the sentiment and that it's fun to get a rise out of these kinds of people. But that's still a type of body shaming and penis size isn't something that determines your worth. Think about what normalizing this sentiment does to good people who happen to have a small penis

[-] joshoff@lemmynsfw.com 2 points 2 weeks ago

Medium-sized guy here (no horse in this race mostly) to chime in and say I have seen a lot of penises and know a lot of men.

A size-to-awesomeness ratio does not exist, but a lot of men are unnecessarily dissatisfied with their bodies. When we imply, as a society, that you can overcome perceived body deficiencies by buying bigger vehicles, it seems possible we would be encouraging the kind of behavior and city budgets we don’t want in this world.

[-] moncharleskey@lemmy.zip 2 points 2 weeks ago

Well yeah, that's why I'm tempted, but not going to do it. But you just know it would piss that type of person off. Not like I want to make myself a target though.

[-] nilloc@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 2 weeks ago

I live on google maps shortcut street. It’s about 1/4 mile long and kids used to be able to play street hockey and basketball in the street.

Now it’s treated as a drags strip by loud motorcycles, brodozers, and moms in SUVs late to drop off their kids at the preschool.

The bikes and trucks are so fucking loud that I’ve been thinking of building a noise meter with an animated dick that gets smaller the louder you are. This summer might be the year to do it.

this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2024
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