submitted 1 month ago by Wilshire@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
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[-] Emmie@lemm.ee 30 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

America is such a violent country. No one comes out unscathed from this madness. Police fears citizens, citizens fear police. Only the gangs and criminals are the winners.

[-] Crikeste@lemm.ee 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

And the average American defends this behavior. Sickening.

[-] Emmie@lemm.ee 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Average voter blah blah, that’s why we can’t have nice things. I hate elitism but it’s hard to ignore mundane reality.

This is why education is so important. It’s what separates us from wild beasts.

[-] Crikeste@lemm.ee -4 points 1 month ago

No, your complacency and unwillingness to press the status quo is the exact thing allowing for Palestinians to be murdered.

But you go ahead and try to feel like you’re doing good. It’s the American way, to look the other way.

[-] Emmie@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Is the lemmy swarmed with bots already? I am not even American and it is wrong to accuse whole country of something. I don’t even do that to Russians or certainly not Chinese even though their governments are way more evil.

I suspect you have some agenda or maybe even are paid in rubles. Weird to see here I thought no geopolitical actors would bother.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago

Policing in the UK is based on the principle of public trust and approval. i.e Peelian principles. That doesn't mean there aren't terrible racist cops or thugs in the ranks because there are, but generally it means cops aren't on power trips, recognise they are the public and there to serve the public, not just arrest people, and they also exercise discretion and common sense. Again, not perfect and there are rotten apples, but there is that ethos in policing.

I think that is lacking in US forces. They're more like a civil military, separate from the public in mentality and adversarial. That said, I think US cops are also burdened with societal problems that shouldn't be theirs to deal with - mentally ill, homeless, addiction, guns. I've seen enough "officer involved shootings" to realise most were justified in the moment. More than half are straight up felons getting into gun fights with cops. Others are gray though - e.g. a crazy homeless dude pulls a knife and charges a cop and of course they shoot the guy - which is justified - but why did society care so little that it came to this? Money spent on programs for addiction, homelessness and mentally ill would pay off in terms of less criminality and less shootings. As would changing policing to be more Peelian in nature.

this post was submitted on 14 May 2024
626 points (99.2% liked)


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