submitted 11 months ago by stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to c/tech@kbin.social

We were easy marks.

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[-] Hypx@kbin.social 6 points 11 months ago

@stopthatgirl7 Perhaps it’s time that people accepted that Toyota was right: We want a diversity of electrified vehicles. Hybrids, plug-in hybrids and fuel cell cars all have their role to play right now. It should not be a monoculture of BEVs.

[-] Pons_Aelius@kbin.social 5 points 11 months ago

No one is stopping any country or company from producing fuel cell cars. If Toyota is right, where are the fuel cell corollas?

I am not knocking fuel cell vehicles, I wish they were viable but after 20 years of R&D they still haven't solved the H2 storage problems, and it is starting to look like it will never be practical for a vehicle the form factor of a car.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

Where were BEVs just 15 years ago? These things do not happen all at once. Most arguments against fuel cell cars are outdated and from people stuck in the past.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago

the biggest hindrance to hydrogen is the cost to build a hydrogen station vs out in ev chargers. why would anyone build a hydrogen station when they could install many ev chargers for the same price. maybe trucking and busses, like greyhound not metro or school, could be a usecase for hydrogen going forward.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

It's cheaper to install hydrogen stations than it is to build charging stations. That's because it cost 10x less to move hydrogen around compared to electricity.


[-] keeb420@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Across all 111 planned new hydrogen fueling stations, an average hydrogen station has capacity of 1,240
kg/day (median capacity of 1,500 kg/day) and requires approximately $1.9 million in capital (median
capital cost of $1.9 million).


Most commercial enterprises look to install level two charging stations, which run on 240-volt power and provide a compromise between power and cost. A level two electric vehicle charging station costs around $2,500 for a non public facing and $5,500 for a public facing dual-port station—it can charge two cars simultaneously in eight to 10 hours.


As more drivers purchase plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), there is a growing need for a network of electric
vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) to provide power to those vehicles. PEV drivers will primarily charge
their vehicles using residential EVSE, but there is also a need for non-residential EVSE in workplace, public,
and fleet settings. This report provides information about the costs associated with purchasing, installing,
and owning non-residential EVSE. Cost information is compiled from various studies around the country, as
well as input from EVSE owners, manufacturers, installers, and utilities. The cost of a single port EVSE unit
ranges from $300-$1,500 for Level 1, $400-$6,500 for Level 2, and $10,000-$40,000 for DC fast charging.
Installation costs vary greatly from site to site with a ballpark cost range of $0-$3,000 for Level 1, $600-
$12,700 for Level 2, and $4,000-$51,000 for DC fast charging.


or its cheaper to install ev chargers.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

More stations more greater economies of scale. At some point this will be no more expensive than a gas station. Also, you have a much greater capacity per station compared to a charging station. It will pencil out to being cheaper than building the much greater number of charging stations. Not to mention maintenance. The cost of maintaining millions of charging stations will be a major challenge.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

im no business major but even i can see its a no brainer to go with an 38 ev chargers vs 1 hydrogen station. and the same economies of scale will make it cheaper to build more ev stations cheaper. hydrogen may have a place, trucking and busses like greyhound might make sense for hydrogen but currently it makes no sense to build a hydrogen station for normal passenger vehicles.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

Until you realize that 1 hydrogen station can refuel hundreds of cars per day. Economies of scale are in hydrogen's favor. BEV advocates are simply lying about the facts.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

and so can 38 ev charging stations.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

At 38x time the land area and far greater power consumption. And it does not scale very well either. Double the number of stations and everything doubles in cost. Nor are you getting a full 400 miles if you are assuming fast charging. You're looking at only a 80% max charge in that situation. Meanwhile, with hydrogen, you just need bigger tanks to support multiple stations. Everyone is fully refueled after 5 minutes consistently. It is the same idea as natural gas refueling stations. Once costs drop due to increases production and economies of scale, the hydrogen stations easily wins this argument in a walk.

Again, BEV advocates are simply lying. They are just trying to defend their car purchase. It is completely at odds with economics and physics.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

ev chargers can be installed in existing parking lots negating a lot of that space issues. however if a gas station wants to serve both gas and hydrogen theirs only so much room for the tanks needed underground. and if you want bigger tanks thats even less room for other tanks.

have fun waiting for hydrogen, the rest of us are gonna leave you behind.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

You will have to tear up all those parking spaces to put up chargers. Meanwhile, those gas stations already exist and it would just mean repurposing them for hydrogen.

Guys like you are just stuck in the past. You'll end up cheering on a dead end because you cannot conceive of progress in the car industry.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

a trench a few feet deep vs digging deep enough to put a giant pressure vessel underground. which is harder? theres some work, sure, to install ev chargers but its much less, hince the price difference to install, to run copper wire in a conduit than it is to dig a hole for the pressure vessel to hold the hydrogen.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You'll have to do this millions of times and wire it all up. Cost is going to be north of $1 trillion for there to be enough of them.

And you're wrong about that: It is cheaper to move and store hydrogen than it is to build wires:


You're repeating too much BEV propaganda. It is just more expensive and that is fact.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

well when theres hydrogen stations around me ill admit i was wrong. til then i keep seeing more and more ev chargers. and they arent even at gas stations. and as we replace or renovate buildings itll be easier to add chargers. and yeah copper isnt cheap but you only need to run it once, vs have a truck keep resupplying you with hydrogen. and those truck drivers deserve a good wage. and then you need a gas station attendant, adding to the cost. and then theres is possible cleanup of soil contamination at said gas stations to even build a hydrogen pump. and then theres the fact it needs to be chilled and pressurized, again adding to the cost. vs electricity thats already there.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

Same story as those who doubted BEVs. Also the same story as those who doubted solar power. Same as wind power before that. The facts don’t change just because “my idea is already here.” The facts clearly state that it will be cheaper to go with hydrogen stations that charging stations. So it is only a matter of when it will happen.

And there’s no clean up problem. Hydrogen has no contamination issues. This is you just making stuff up.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

gasoline and diesel do though. youre mixing a cost to do something once, make and run a copper line, to a recurring cost, buying and delivering hydrogen. hydrogens time for passenger vehicles has passed. they were supposed to be the bridge to evs. well we have evs now. we do not need a bridge anymore.

also if the 145,000+ gas stations went to hydrogen itd be $242,417,200,000. way more than itd cost to add ev chargers everywhere. and that is one pump. now if they wanted two or three or four...

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

Hydrogen is not gasoline nor diesel. This is a ridiculous argument.

Hydrogen can be pipelined at 1/10 the cost of sending electricity via wires. If you actually paid attention to the conversation instead of spamming BEV propaganda, you’d notice that I said that already.

It will cost over a trillion dollars to put up enough charging stations for all cars. For hydrogen, it will be far less. Those are facts you cannot deny.

This is just BEV fanboyism run amok. The world will not head towards a BEV monoculture with zero alternatives. The fact that we’re even having this conversation shows how much brainwashing is going on. It is so extreme that it is evidence that BEVs are secretly in big trouble. Otherwise, why do BEV fans need to spam FUD and marketing propaganda like there is no tomorrow? It shows a type of insecurity that suggests BEV fans actually do not really believe their own claims.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago

and where do you think hydrogen pumps are gonna be installed? oh yeah, existing gas stations as that makes sense for the type of fuel it is which can very much have contamination issues. and how much will it take to run these hydrogen pipelines to these stations? cause they dont exist now. and that not even talking about producing hydrogen. we might get green hydrogen in the future but today the vast majority isnt. meanwhile theres plenty of electric wires already in place.

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[-] Pons_Aelius@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Where were BEVs just 15 years ago?

Where are fuel cells today?

I read my first story about the coming fuel cell cars in 1996, and they were less than a decade from production then, but they never came.

Toyota, the builder of some of the best cars ever made, has spent decades and billions trying to make fuel cells work for cars. If a company with the engineering excellence of Toyota is struggling for so long...

BEVs are not on the road because they are better than fuel cells. If fuel cells could be practically made, they would beat BEVs in every aspect. Range, refuelling, environmental impact

But they don't.

BEVs are not better than fuel cells but they actually work for cars.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 5 points 11 months ago

BEVs are over 100 years old. In fact, they're older than ICE cars. No one seems to notice that this is the longest development process of any technology in the industry.

Meanwhile, fuel cells are just coming into their own. Most of your arguments are just totally outdated and stuck in the past. You seem oblivious to the fact that FCEVs already exist and are being sold to the public right now. They're already a developed technology, just one that hasn't become popular yet. It is likely dismissing solar and wind energy just as they were taking off. It is just being closed-minded and short-sighted to say these things.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Meanwhile, fuel cells are just coming into their own.

Fuel cells were invented in 1839. What are you talking about? Fuel cells are also widely used in backup generation, and on-site power generation for large consumers of electricity. I've even visited an EV charging station powered by natural gas fuel cells.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

Batteries are an even older idea. As a technology that can power vehicles, fuel cells are coming in their own now.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

The first real device we'd call a battery was from 1800. So a 38 year head start. The technology of fuel cells isn't the issue with them, it's the fuel part. Well, that and the catalyst plates. But that's not exactly rocket science to rebuild a fuel cell when the catalysts need refurbishment.

[-] Hypx@kbin.social 1 points 11 months ago

The first time we had a fuel cell powered car of any kind was in the 1960s. It is a much more recent technology.

Part of the advancement in fuel cell is our ability to produce hydrogen at a low cost. It is mirroring the progress that photovoltaics went through.

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this post was submitted on 29 Jul 2023
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