[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 113 points 3 months ago

Great, then we should stop funding their government and military spending. If they won't stop, we can. Of course we won't, but we could and should.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 83 points 5 months ago

Trader Joe's is overpriced Aldi. Their employees are told to smile, just like everywhere else you go that employees are always smiling. Nobody's that happy at work, and that shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody at this point.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 98 points 5 months ago

Whenever a government or government agency announces a successful exploit, I presume they've already exhausted it and moved on to another one that won't be patched or publicly divulged for many years.


cross-posted from: https://monyet.cc/post/2476921

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 121 points 7 months ago

The instant they enter discovery, he's going to have to drop the suit like usual or hand over an awful lot of evidence of interacting with some extremely shitty racist ass hats. I'm excited for either outcome.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 164 points 8 months ago

Do it. Go on, do it. A real man would do it.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 138 points 8 months ago

Couldn't be happening to a more deserving guy. Between the racism lawsuits, his ex-girlfriend lawsuit, investor lawsuits, former executive suing him, and now the SEC? I hope this is the year we take all of Elon's money.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 222 points 9 months ago

Too little, Too late. John Kelly is culpable for everything trump said and did, and pretending to be outraged about it after the fact makes him a slimy piece of shit too. And the same goes for all the scumbags willing to look the other way for personal gain and political power. I hope your disgrace follows you for the rest of your lives.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 86 points 9 months ago

It's not an awkward spot, it's a spot where you now know your bargaining power and you're going to make them pay literally for what they've put you through. They need the employees, so the employees can dictate their demands if they negotiate wisely. If these companies are willing to screw you over, then you should be willing to drill them for oil when you get the chance. Screw them. Hard.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 134 points 9 months ago

I could understand suspending deliveries to keep drivers out of those situations as it's investigated. But what the actual fuck is going on where they suspended the family devices? What an actual joke. First off, Alexa is dogshit, and now you advertise that you'll just cut users off on every platform at a moment's notice? Why would anybody use it going forward?

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 170 points 9 months ago

No part of this is surprising except that it hasn't come to light a decade ago.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 97 points 9 months ago

Big bang theory. It was absolute garbage.

[-] drdabbles@lemmy.world 92 points 9 months ago

He will NOT be appointing officials for an organization that kills people until the government stops allowing abortions. Just let the logic sink in for a while. The guy's a POS, and nobody should be surprised that a single issue candidate is only interested in a single issue.


Seems like yet another brand new Model Y has stopped in its tracks on the road. No doubt the army will be out in force telling the owner they drove it wrong, or baselessly claiming they hit something, or even just claiming it's fake.

Either way, the excuse generator is kicking into overdrive.

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