[-] keeb420@kbin.social 57 points 9 months ago

I watched some predators kill their prey and then just left it. Didn't even have an animation to eat it.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 62 points 10 months ago

sounds like something the doj should look into. it sounds like theres multiple counts of denying people their civil rights to me, among other crimes.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 116 points 10 months ago

“I’m not…for the time being, but I stand with them! They are coming for all of us, eventually."

Rofl yeah when you are part of a conspiracy to commit a coup you deserve to be rounded up and jailed til trial.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 43 points 10 months ago

So you don't get carbon monoxide poisoning from running the vehicle in an enclosed bay. They hook that up to the exhaust of the vehicle and blow it outside.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 42 points 10 months ago

oh no... anyway.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 155 points 10 months ago

It only matters if anyone does something about it. Really there should be a few traitors kicked outta congress as well but they haven't been.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 58 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

These things take time. Even for regular people it can be a while between being charged and going to court.

Now should he be arrested and held like he was anyone else who's a flight risk, yes. But I doubt any of thsse cases will goto court this year.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 42 points 11 months ago

I hate Republicans so much.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 115 points 11 months ago

that sounds like what an idiot would have for a password.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 54 points 11 months ago

and yet they project the left is indoctrinating kids.

Boeing B17G JBLM Airshow (media.kbin.social)
submitted 11 months ago by keeb420@kbin.social to c/pics@kbin.social
[-] keeb420@kbin.social 46 points 11 months ago

His administration stole supplies meant for liberal states and gave them to conservatives.

So, ugh , yes.

[-] keeb420@kbin.social 45 points 11 months ago

better question is why isnt the rest of the world joining the french?

submitted 11 months ago by keeb420@kbin.social to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

like the title says im wondering about a good scanner app for noobs and for android. i have no idea what im doing on designing stuff. so a scanner would be amazing.

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