submitted 5 months ago by return2ozma@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world
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[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 27 points 5 months ago


uuuuh since G5 the Pokémon plots are rehashed and banalised as heck, and there's almost never any sensation of valuable risk or conflict to the plot. G6 literally makes the first arc of the plot "join this bunch of loser schoolers and do nothing".

[-] mhague@lemmy.world 6 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Yeah I would like a better Pokemon game, not an fps survival with monsters. The idea is that people looking for a Pokemon game probably aren't simply looking for a collectible monster game, they want the things that are associated with Pokemon games.

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 8 points 5 months ago

Yeah I would like a better Pokemon game,

Don't we all.

For long I've dreamed of the heights Pokémon could reach if the mainline videogame production was handed over from a small indie company to a respectable developer with a better track record such as Camelot or CDPR.

[-] Kiosade@lemmy.ca 4 points 5 months ago

Camelot can’t write themselves out of a paper bag. The Golden Sun games were good for their time, and had me hyped as a pre-teen, but let’s not delude ourselves into thinking the dialogue or story was actually good. Seriously, if you took off the portraits while characters were speaking, could you tell just by the way they talk who is who (besides Kraden, cuz that mofo likes to TALK)? Could you describe their personalities based on their dialogue, and not the character art? It’s part of why the third Golden Sun failed: it was just too generic, and they tried to stretch the little personality they could muster across 8 characters, just because the 2nd game had 8 characters, but it left them all feeling like hollow husks for the most part.

I’m not saying the games are bad, but there are definitely much better JRPG devs out there.

this post was submitted on 31 Jan 2024
226 points (90.9% liked)


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