Elon, honey, what are you doin'?
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
It's honestly really gross that he immediately jumps to thinking she's hitting on him. Like, him freaking out and going into a fit of rage might have been a less terrible response.
I assume he doesn't really think that, but thinks he's being a cute troll. Like picking 420.69 for everything.
Trying to deflect assumed criticism about him by being "funny".
Musk sent the funniest response he could possibly think of.
Remember middle school?
Or was that elementary?
He desperately needs people to like him.
Idk why but I feel like he does think that, like he's the king of the crop
King of the cream?
I said king of the crop not cream
That's a weird way to spell sexually harassing
Calling Musk's tweet sexual harassment is really grasping at straws here.
On a scale of 1 to the kind of unhinged messages ladies regularly get from men on social media apps, this was probably a 1.2.
I say this as someone with a good friend who constantly gets perverted and sexually explicit messages from random guys on Facebook.
I am not sure that harassment is measured on a relative scale though. "There's way worse out there" does not remove from how objectively bad this is
Stop hitting on me!
(Do you feel harassed? No? Case closed.)
Note that my point was that "this is not as bad as this awful other thing I know about" is not really how I would go about qualifying sexual harassment. You have zero clue of my opinion about if musk sexually harassed AOC or not. I, on the other hand, am quite certain you're an entitled asshole lol
I doubt even AOC thought that was sexual harassment. Just complete imbecility.
That was the line she used a while back.
Clearly you've never heard of banter before.