i wish no harm to american ruling class, my enemy is the american people
one person say that barbarism critic is "the brianna wu of 2025. Remember kids I called it"
i guess there is some very real perceived material interests of americans to continue the genocide in palestine, like the christian zionists, or the liberals who want to continue the american dominance via global hegemony, and the labor aristocrats in america who want the treats.
i was listening to rev left radio "The Long Transition Towards Socialism and the End of Capitalism" with Torkil Lauesen and, probably gonna butcher it - but my understanding is that as we enter a multipolar world, the americans will not be able to blatantly exploit the over-exploited nations (global south) leading to increasingly deteriorating conditions in the imperial core, which will set the grounds very clearly between socialism and barbarism?
and we are to organize and help alleviate the woes of the people which also serve as a way of building relations that lead to building power via organizations.
(iirc the bolsheviks has above ground orgs and underground orgs for the law breaking stuff)
eh i dunno just over analyzing what do you peeps think.
Capitalism doesn't just mean capitalists accumulating capital, it also involves a specific social relation between capitalists and workers. The American antebellum South wasn't capitalist (in fact, it's often the premiere example of primitive accumulation of capital, a.k.a pre-capitalism), and the shift from the slavery/'modern feudal mode of production to industrial capitalism was a big qualitative change that caused the American civil war. I'd argue that the economic relation of modern day undocumented immigrants also doesn't fit into the same mode of capitalist production relations. This isn't really germane to my point though, I think there's plenty of room to disagree and still end up at more or less the same conclusion as long as we can agree that the workers inside the core who are doing a lot of the "dirty work" in slaughterhouses and farms are not just quantitatively different to the rest of the proletariat due to compensation, but also qualitatively different in their ability (or lack thereof) to organize and wield any kind of political power. They are an underbelly that the rest of the imperial core proletarians don't perceive as members of the same class.
You're completely wrong here. The US taxpayer doesn't pay for crap. This economic model you're thinking of where US government spending is financed by taxpayers is a myth perpetuated by neoliberal ideologues, and it's somehow pervasive even in leftist circles. There's a lot I can say about currency and Modern Monetary Theory, but it's a very broad topic, the main takeaway is that when you use fiat currency the point of taxes is not to finance government spending, but to limit the political power of different social classes. The US Treasury is totally free to keep bankrolling US military spending and other subsidies to the imperialist class precisely because the US dollar's value has nothing to do with it being a balanced reserve currency or anything like that, that ship has long since sailed since the Bretton Woods system was abandoned. The US will just keep growing its national debt as a service to the international rentier class who can build enormous amounts of wealth by collecting interest payments on US treasury bonds, but if the US Federal Reserve wasn't privately controlled they could just as easily eliminate all that debt in one day by minting a coin worth however many trillions of dollars. They could operate their military without taxing the American worker 1 cent.
I'll leave you with a couple of links because I recognize it's a bit of a paradigm shift to see that US government spending is not at all financed by taxes, to the point that it seems illogical.
You don't even need MMT to argue against the idea that taxes pay for the military.
The US sells about $1T in bonds annually and spends about $900B on the military annually. Taxes never need to come into play.
Excellent observation. Still, though, having some understanding of what actually gives the US dollar its value is very relevant to this conversation so it's worth considering the rest of the deal to understand how imperialism makes the periphery work overtime to keep the US dollars that the labor aristocracy uses to buy imported goods as a valid currency despite the fact the US doesn't have a balanced budget.