[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 3 days ago

Well, that's going to force Russia to do more damage faster with less discrimination.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 4 days ago

The Eurocentric world is genocidal and has been for over 600 years. Eugenics was invented in England, as was the pseudoscience of race theory.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 4 days ago

The Chief Revenue Officer must have been angry

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 4 days ago

With Western armaments, it's the same thing.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 4 days ago

Oh look, someone figured out that propaganda exists.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 4 days ago

Why does America hate brown children so much? It's almost like they are eugenicists or something.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 59 points 1 month ago

I wish this was noteworthy, but it's a paltry sum. The thing that's noteworthy is that the banks are clear that people can't pay their bills. I wish we could get that data plotted on a chart over time and see what's happening to people in the USA at least monthly. With the commercial real estate sector being just a massive loss and most job creation being low wage, and more people in the gig economy with multiple jobs, and credit card debt rising, and medical debt rising, and boomerang sanctions, it's only a matter of time before the working class breaks.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 62 points 1 month ago

Weapons for Ukraine, weapons for Israel, ban tiktok, but literally let everyone domestically die of poverty, don't talk about abortion, and yell about people killing trans people and black people while increasing transfer of military weapons to police and increasing drilling for oil.

And my lib friends still think there's a reason to hope that the Ds will make things better

submitted 4 months ago by freagle@lemmygrad.ml to c/politics@lemmy.ml

The UK arresting an average of 9 people a day. Meanwhile, arrests in Russia are below 500 each year, sometimes far below.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 63 points 6 months ago

In the 1800s news media was firmly owned by the merchants who regularly gaslit the entire population.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 89 points 8 months ago

The USA is fascist. Do not kid yourself. Remember that the Third Reich emulated the USA and the USA absorbed the Third Reich. The USA is the torchbearer for fascism. The idea that it's not is almost entirely from a white perspective. The USA has continuously had racial ghettos, massive prison labor, criminalization of poverty and racial deviance, mass murder, fanatical Christianity, secret police, domestic surveillance, control of media, lack of democratic accountability, concentration camps, callous murder of racialized groups, constant war footing against engineered enemies, domestic and global terror projects, political prisoners, and protection of the minority bourgeoisie.

The only things the USA doesn't have right at this moment that the Third Reich had are the following: industrial mass murder, industrial mass displacement, violent purges.

It is unlikely to develop these things because they understand that the reaction to these things will be counter to their continuous hold on power.

The USA has, in essence, been fascist since beforeb it's founding, because the European colonists essentially had all the components of European fascism during the colonial era. Mass murder was made easier by stuffing hundreds of black rebels into ships and gassing them. Haiti worked their slaves to death so fast they needed to import 50k a year to keep up. The USA's relationship to the native peoples is nearly identical to what fascism showed us. We still have race science built into our culture through our media narratives and our particular use of statistics in social sciences.

Don't wait around for the USA to become fascist.

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 65 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It is the USA that has been the target of appeasement. Every expansion, every death squad, every war crime, every black site, every assassination, every war of aggression, every single time the world appeases the USA.

If you think the USA is appeasing China, your head is screwed on backwards. I know it's a common trope for abusers to feel offended and attacked when their victims standup for themselves, and I know you probably stand with the victims and see through the abusers' bullshit. You need to do that with the USA.

Abu Ghraib - appeased.
Nord Stream 2 - appeased.
Solemaini - appeased.
Iraq - appeased.
Iraq 2 - appeased.
Vietnam - appeased.
Laos - appeased.
Cambodia - appeased.
Korea - appeased.
Hiroshima - appeased.
Nagasaki - appeased.
Guantanamo - appeased.
Libya - appeased.
Syria - appeased.
StuxNet - appeased.
Pulling out of nuclear treaties - appeased.
Refusing to be accountable to ICC - appeased.
Refusing to sign landmine treaty - appeased.
Agent Orange - appeased.
Napalm - appeased.
White phosphorus - appeased.
Depleted Uranium - appeased.
Yugoslavia - appeased.
Afghanistan - appeased.
School of the Americas - appeased.
Wiretapping the entire US civilian population - appeased.
Wiretapping every embassy through Siemens supply chain attack - appeased.
NATO expansion - appeased.
Economic shock therapy kills millions - appeased.
Training terrorists - appeased.
Airlifting terrorists into other countries - appeased.
Environmental devastation - appeased.
Sending expired vaccines - appeased.
Refusing to send vaccines - appeased.
Refusing to follow the predefined protocol for sharing vaccine research - appeased.
Iranian regime change - appeased.
Color revolutions - appeased.
Extracting trillions from Africa - appeased.
Child separation - appeased.
Toddlers in solitary confinement - appeased.
Forced hysterectomies - appeased.
Collective punishment of civilians - appeased.
Support for Israeli apartheid - appeased.
Iran-Contra - appeased.
Fast and Furious - appeased.
CIA drug trafficking - appeased.
Haitian assassination - appeased.
Bolivia - appeased.
Nicaragua - appeased.
Pinochet - appeased.

I can keep going if you want.

submitted 10 months ago by freagle@lemmygrad.ml to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

Using the web client in Firefox, I cannot seem to expand comments below a certain level. Clicking "3 more comments ->" just spins. Any ideas?


This guy is the researcher cited: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/seas/people/academic-staff/david-tobin

At first glance, he seems somewhat legit, but I've never heard of him before. What do we know about this guy, his research, and what's the best way to understand these claims?

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/863212

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/863209

Archived version: https://archive.ph/5Ok1c
Archived version: https://web.archive.org/web/20230731013125/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-66337328

[-] freagle@lemmygrad.ml 95 points 10 months ago

This is truly a wild analysis. It's entirely plausible that Black rock owns the longs and Citadel owns the shorts and that they collaborate. But just the circular ownership leading to total dominance of the market by a few hundred people is enough to make this worth reading.


Anyone got any more insight into this? Hypersonics are supposed to be a significant advantage for both Russia and China. If the West has a counter for these, that seems real bad.

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