Heroes! Stop using the fucking apostrophe to pluralize.
The real hero's what?
In a half-shell. Turtle power.
Technically apostrophes can be used to replace omitted letters and/or sounds. So it's not completely incorrect.
Don't lawyer around stupid.
It's stupid.
Don't always be pedantic when what was being said was still easily understood.
It's stupid
it's 'correct
What should I do with my regular apostrophes
Happy now
Ew. You're implying anyone can truly be happy in a capitalist hellscape?
Heroes! Stop using the fucking apostrophe to pluralize.
The real hero's what?
In a half-shell. Turtle power.
Technically apostrophes can be used to replace omitted letters and/or sounds. So it's not completely incorrect.
Don't lawyer around stupid.
It's stupid.
Don't always be pedantic when what was being said was still easily understood.
It's stupid
it's 'correct
What should I do with my regular apostrophes
Happy now
Ew. You're implying anyone can truly be happy in a capitalist hellscape?