[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 3 hours ago

C doesn't even guarantee a == a

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 13 points 2 days ago

It was really weird the first time I saw the liquid pooling in 100 tiny bubbles before surface tension merged them

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 4 points 4 days ago

Do you get two empty spaces next to your tower? For maintenance if the lower elements.

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 53 points 4 days ago

It's called a tower PC for a reason

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 10 points 5 days ago

The only border crisis is what the state is doing to migrants there.

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 12 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Mind the distinction between "both sides are (equally) bad therefore I'll do nothing" and "both sides are quite bad (but not necessarily equally bad)".

Saying both sides are equally bad is indeed stupid and tactically bad. Saying one side is good and the other is bad is also stupid because both sides have a lot of blood in their hands and plan to continue it (to different degrees). Saying both sides are pretty bad but not equally bad is quite accurate to the situation. If we want positive change, we need to be willing to see the flaws, so let's not paper over the Democratic party's issues (of which there are many). Let's also make the best we can out if the situation and make sure the Republican party has as little power as possible, because miraculously they're far worse.

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 9 points 6 days ago

Name a successful "respectful" protest. Disrespect does seem to be necessary.

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 9 points 6 days ago

I don't see blue maga, it seems like OOP doesn't like Biden either. All I see is someone pleading for the least bad (and realistic) option in the election.

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I've heard a hypothesis that patriarchy was a tool for redirecting hostility away from the colonizers. Men would get to be rulers over their family, so they'd risk losing that if they challenged the status quo; and women didn't really have the rights to do much, but if they could mount resistance it would be against men. Queer people challenge that whole setup, unless they're too busy trying to survive...

Or maybe it's actually just as simple as conformist societies are easier to control, idk.



I've seen many people take absolutists stances and throw accusations or insults at others who don't. While I applaud that they recognized serious problems, I want everyone to understand why I might take actions that seem to ignore or even worsen those problems: I only have so much power and so many options, none of which are ideal, so I do the best I can with what I have. I might prioritize stopping one bad thing over stopping another; that's not me excusing the other bad thing, that's me playing the cards I have to get the least bad outcome.

Personally, I base my moral decisions on expected outcomes. I would pull the lever in the trolley problem. I understand some people think me a monster for that, and I certainly wouldn't feel good pulling it, but I see it as me net saving people. I disagree with people that wouldn't pull it, but I see where they're coming from and I'm not mad at them (disappointed, maybe). Of course, as well as pulling the lever, there may be options to try helping the one person on the tracks, and we should definitely attempt such a rescue.

This whole topic can be applied to the do-i-vote-for-biden thing that this community seems divided over, but it's much more broadly applicable too.

Anyway, this is just me saying that I don't think the absolutist all-or-nothing approach some people take is a good idea, and I also don't like when some of them call me a bad person for not doing the same.

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 94 points 2 months ago

Sleeping outside is a crime. Sleeping inside is trespassing and also a crime.

Now, I can't find legal text specifically banning that sort of thing, but that definitely seems like a "bill of attainder" and against the spirit of the 8th amendment to to the US constitution. Of course, I know the courts don't actually care, but if they had spines they would.

Double bottom rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

A diagram of a "bottom meson" (composed of an unknown quark "q" and an antibottom quark) with an arrow labeled ":3" pointing to a "double bottom Baryon" (composed of an unknown quark "q" and 2 bottom quarks).

Image taken from figure 1 of this article

Both rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

Two (presumably) girls lying in bed holding hands and looking at each other. The one on the left, labeled "Me" has shoulder-length hair, an uncomfortable :| expression, and is wearing a black hoodie, grey jeans, and sneakers. The one on the right, labeled "Also me" has longer hair, a subtle smile, a blush, and is wearing a dress and high heels.

Edited from this post, on which I commented "I wanna be both".

[-] zea_64@lemmy.blahaj.zone 96 points 3 months ago

It makes more sense if you think of const as "read-only". Volatile just means the compiler can't make the assumption that the compiler is the only thing that can modify the variable. A const volatile variable can return different results when read different times.

Half Rule 2 (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

Half Life 2: Episode 1, Direct Intervention


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