I didn’t choose the Skux life

  • Soap is always tricky for me. I’ve recently been using Dr Bronner’s. It’s fairly concentrated and a travel-sized bottle covers my showering needs as well as my laundry. The incredibly minor thing I don’t like is that it’s a liquid soap, which is a small chore I have to handle when going through airport security.
  • Packing cubes are fantastic. They help bring a sense of order to a 35L bag.
  • Practice. I choose random weekends to pack my 1 bag and live out of it. It really helps build confidence in what you’re choosing to pack.
  • Separate batteries. Using a device for music and a standard phone drains from the same battery. You could carry a power brick, but then you’re carrying two bricks for worse audio.
  • No camera. Certain work assignments won’t allow me to bring a device with a camera into those zones. Or, if I do, the transition process is so intrusive that it’s not worth it.

Those are the only unique characteristics. You can compensate other differences on a phone like adding an additional DAC and/or amp.

I take a very long-winded approach. I try to find a copy of the rules online, and then read through it (which is the first thing I would do if I had gone out to buy the game).

Then, instead of watching a review, I try to find a play through video to see how it plays out. The video isn’t completely devoid of colorful commentary or random banter, but it does give me a realistic expectation of how long the game truly takes.

I generally know whether I’d appreciate a game or hate it from reading the rule book. The video just saves me the cycle of buying, trying, and returning if I’m on the fence.

I would have expected studios to use a 3rd party system back then. GameSpy was huge in that era to cover that functionality.

If “half your age, plus seven” gets you the youngest age society will accept, then, “minus seven, times 2” should get you the oldest acceptable age.

So (18-7)*2 is 22. A mom with a 3 year-old is still a mom.

And if that doesn’t suspend your disbelief, you could still slap on “step” to the relationship label and the script writes itself.

I wash my hands a lot.; it’s just something I do habitually.

Prepped the dog food? Wash my hands. Prepped the cat food? Wash my hands. Do both? Wash my hands in-between tasks because my formed habit is to wash my hands after each of those actions.

I also feel like they each deserve a clean set of hands preparing their food, so maybe I chose the wrong example.

I see this on my instance with an age of 6 minutes

I use the Ecowitt moisture sensors for potted plants. Given their size, I wouldn’t recommend using them for your lawn because you have to be sure to not hit them when mowing.

Automated irrigation systems are reasonably consistent. I moved from my lawnless apartment to a house with a backyard of grass. I left out a few empty containers across the lawn, waited for the first watering cycle, and adjusted the timings based on the distribution.

The skux life chooses you.

With the per-delivery model, the drivers have the option to pick and choose which jobs to accept.

Being speculative, I believe the scare tactic being used is: the driver can be assigned very unattractive deliveries without the power to refuse. As someone that does not do deliveries for any of these companies and periodically viewed posts from /r/doordash, I can only guess that this will hurt a smaller percentage of drivers that formulate a metagame to maximize their delivery income.

Every day, that list of people grows: https://xkcd.com/1053

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joined 1 year ago