[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 31 points 3 hours ago

It's so dumb, I don't understand why people just refuse to think about the long term consequences instead of just "i want to vote for the perfect person right now so if no one is perfect i won't vote." Like I know Biden is a terrible candidate, but like I'd personally like to still have a department of education by the next election????

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 3 points 3 hours ago

Being born in the US is such a stupid requirement. Someone who immigrated here as a child in a relatively non-wealthy family would understand the average american so much better than the super wealthy politicians we have now

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 132 points 15 hours ago

Honestly I don't know how much better I could do than biden in an argument with trump. His look of just complete confusion as trump just continued to say complete nonsense was pretty much the same look I had listening to it.

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

Silverblue is so good, everything works perfectly out of the box on my hardware (Framework 13 AMD). I was worried I was going to forget how to do anything because it was so easy so I had to make a second partition and install OpenBSD

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

To be fair, you can make a sim in your own image without them being able to see you. Maybe we're all just sims

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

Alternate headline: "Forza horizon 4 will see large uptick in piracy this december"

If people want your game why would you stop selling it, people are still going to want it and you just won't get any money

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 16 points 4 days ago

So like for the people saying that the bear is so dangerous, has it occurred to them that "being with a bear in the woods" is just called being in the woods? Like that's where the bears are, just avoid going near them and you'll be fine, they're not going to like seek you out.

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I like how the "wiki" on their website is just a bunch of uneditable premade articles so pretty much the exact opposite of a real wiki (also the articles are terrible, the "introduction to linux" looks like a perfect way to make someone give up on evem trying linux)

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 20 points 4 days ago

I stopped watching when he got that one rare IBM workstation and sloppily dremeled in all the the screws to open it because he was too lazy to go to the store to buy a screwdriver. That was before I even heard about this and the stupid gun stuff. I know it's like a minor thing and he only damaged screws and sheet metal parts that could in theory be replaced with a medium amount of difficulty, but I just can't imagine intentionally damaging something very uncommon because you're too lazy to buy a screwdriver

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 24 points 5 days ago

Only because I can sell it, anything involving dealing with nvidia drivers is not an upgrade

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 85 points 5 days ago

I like how a big part of the headline just explains exactly why people pirate things instead of obtaining legal access to them. No one wants to subscribe to netflix, hulu, vudu, and prime video, people just want one platform to watch everything

[-] turbowafflz@lemmy.world 32 points 5 days ago

Or... Just maybe... It's a joke and it's just trying to be an even more absurd take on the original gnu+linux copypasta

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