[-] tritonium@midwest.social 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Have had prime for the last 8 years but it's too much now. And the constant nagging to get me back on it is annoying enough that I don't even want to shop there any longer. Not that it's much better of a company but I've switched to ordering shit on Walmart, their online store has mostly the same exact shit that Amazon has on it. If you live close enough to one then you get same day delivery on certain things too with thier Walmart Plus which is their version of prime.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

This Old Tony is awesome.

NNKH also is good too, a bit different but if you like watching a mechanically knowledgeable dude just fixing on shit, it's good stuff. Seems like a genuinely decent guy too.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I unsubscribed after their video on Android TV boxes having malware because it was full of holes. But that was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Their Linux coverage was atrocious. There were so much flat out wrong with their Linux challenge and much other Linux content. Their stuff on servers and selfhosting was ALWAYS fucking amateur hour. They ran a line between buildings and tested throughput with Windows file manager for fuck's sake... god forbid they use a real tool like iperf or something.

I unsubbed a few weeks before the gn video dropped and that was just reaffirmation... and then some. Because I had thought they were at least getting the gamer bro stuff and benchmarks right but apparently they weren't even doing that correctly. And that's on top of all the other shit like the anti-union and sexual harassment. That entire channel is a joke, it's a shame he has so many subs and misleads so many people with misinformation.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

It's their insecurities dripping through because they deem themselves power users and learn that they don't actually know shit so they usually very ignorantly and incorrectly put it down. It's a hard pill to swallow when they realize they are just LTT gamer bro Windows users that struggle to use something my grandma runs.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 63 points 3 weeks ago

usenet, indexer, sonarr, sabnzbd

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 1 points 3 weeks ago

Might want to avoid semi-trucks and AC/DC for a minute.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 2 points 3 weeks ago

No one should recommend plex any longer.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 1 points 2 months ago

I went tplink omada router, switches, and aps, very happy.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You don't need a db backup app... bind mount the data to a location then just stop the container and have borg take the backups. You can do this with all your containers.




And do that with every container. Easy as fuck to backup and restore them.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Windows is still fucking ass though and it's so bad that I can not respect the opinion of someone that claims they are an IT professional and don't main Linux. Like what? And what does that even mean, that's ridiculously broad, what do you do? I'm a network engineer and sysadmin.

Linux is objectively superior to Windows in almost every way. It has vastly superior workflows. It's more customizable. It's insanely more efficient. It's more secure. I feel like I'm wading through 3ft of shit anytime I boot into Windows. Not to mention the ability to actually have ownership of your computer. And that's just talking about the ways Linux is better. That's not getting into why Windows is ass like... telemetry data and ads in the OS and configs reverting from updates and the dumbass way software is installed on it and how shit docker runs in it and I can go on and on. The workflows of Windows are actual dog ass and literally every single popular Linux DE has better workflows and customization.

If you in IT and use Windows for anything other than a gaming machine or something like Photoshop, then I don't want you anywhere near my tech.

[-] tritonium@midwest.social 16 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)


Unless you actually have a need for the public to access the services then you shouldn't be exposing them. If it's just you and a few household members that need access then you should be using ddns and wireguard, or similar.

My phone auto connects with wireguard as soon as I leave my home ssid, so I never lose access to my services.

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