Not the OP but several of my acquaintances/colleagues (in the US) have a pretty good understanding and support US/Western hegemony. One is (was) a Warren lib (now Kamala). Another is wealthy (“upper-middle”). Another is a 2nd gen immigrant professional (conservative liberal). And another is a Reagan Republican fond of the line, “Capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the others.” They are very bright, well-read, plugged-in people with horrible politics. These are people who think that really horrible things are a sad necessity. (A genocide to prevent a genocide type stuff.)
These people are the exceptions in terms of knowing about the world and history. Most people I know have no clue how the world works and don’t want to hear it because it’s a bummer. They’ve chosen a team: lib v anti-lib. The libs might be sad about the “complicated Palestine situation” as they pull they lever for Kamala.
Whenever she is mentioned I think about her expressing contempt for her leftist/“leftist” parents because they checks notes helped Vietnam draft dodgers