[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 6 points 11 hours ago

I don't know what Reznor and Cash's relationship was, but that has to feel so surreal for Reznor. You never see older artists cover newer ones in general, let alone such a legendary country artist cover a young alternative rock artist. If I were Reznor, that would be the thing that lets me die happy.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 14 points 11 hours ago

Looks like GoL has a plot over time. Linux adoption is starting to hockey stick, definitely above linear growth, this is getting exciting! I would guess, if it hits somewhere around 5-10% and keeps this hockey stick shape, we'll really start to see the game industry justify giving it more attention.

This will come with both good and bad, I expect it's only a matter of time before some game tries a native kernel level anti-cheat, aka root kit, on Linux.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 3 points 11 hours ago

What does "perform slightly faster" mean? Boot time? App loading? CPU perf?

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 3 points 2 days ago

It's normal for it to heat up under load, but it's not normal for it to be under load 24/7 indefinitely.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 4 points 2 days ago

Where do you stash the chandelier?

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 8 points 2 days ago

But you could come up with a believable reason for multiplayer. (Ex. Maybe the devs decided their servers wouldn't scale and had to move to Sony's, but those require users to have a Sony account.)

For single player, there's not even a hypothetical excuse. They just want you to be inconvenienced for their own gain.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 31 points 3 days ago

He can spend the time (ghost) writing his book about how unfair the fake news media is toward him. He could literally title it "My Struggle" and his base still wouldn't get it.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 6 points 4 days ago

On Linux it would be ideal if they could use pipewire to have separate audio streams for the game, a mic input, and all other PC audio. This is what I currently do using obs' replay buffer for clipping.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 3 points 4 days ago

It's just good to know what pieces need to be in place for your system to work in case any of those pieces ever break. Normal OS installers obfuscate those pieces, so if they break you're left in the dark. Arch makes you place them yourself, so if they break, you know how to put them back.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 4 points 5 days ago

I tried to solve/debug the function in my head to release urine from my bladder.

When I'm in the middle of solving a tough engineering problem, I'll wake up in the middle of the night in these kinds of stupors. I can't fall asleep because I need to solve some non-existent problem...eventually I wake up just enough to convince myself the problem isn't real and go back to sleep. It's the worst.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 19 points 6 days ago

Exactly. You don't inherit debt, because you can't inherit stuff the person was only borrowing.

[-] teawrecks@sopuli.xyz 55 points 1 week ago

I assumed from your title that you, like myself, are more concerned about the fact that EVs all seem to be "smart", and cloud connected, and effectively hardware as a service to spy on you, and prevent repairs, and have software lockouts of features.

Like TVs, I think there's no incentive for the companies with the ability to make dumb devices to actually make them. Adding all this functionality is unfortunately what people expect.


I'm curious what people's thoughts are about Matter. This is the first I'm hearing of it.

I've been trying to find a way to replace my old Chromecast Ultra (because Google), but I really like having that little cast button show up in apps, even on the phones of guests. But from what I can tell, Google killed this functionality on open alternatives (ex. Raspicast) with a lockdown to the Chromecast spec.

I'm hopeful that Matter could be a way to have my devices cast streams to each other in a standardized way that wouldn't require me to rely on Google/Apple/Amazon/etc. Maybe even Newpipe could get in on the action?

I don't know how it will work, or if this "Connected Standards Alliance" (which is apparently used to be the ZigBee Alliance, also news to me) will still have to greenlight specific devices despite it being "open", which would rule out Newpipe. I would assume the official YouTube apps will be particularly resistant to supporting Matter.

Anyone have any experience here? Has anyone else successfully replaced their media device with something open that also works with the casting button in apps?

submitted 10 months ago by teawrecks@sopuli.xyz to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm trying to wrap my head around the pipewire ecosystem. I think it's great that we're getting a fully featured audio system with all the upsides of pulseaudio and jack, and none of the downsides (that I know of), plus a bunch of completely new features. However, I can't help but think it could have used a little more vision in its interface (or maybe just qpwGraph).

From what I've read, my mental model is that pipewire holds the graph, while a "session manager" manipulates it (create/modify/remove new nodes/ports/links/etc). That's fine. I also understand that wireplumber is such a session manager, and despite having a really convoluted config syntax, it does its job (I assume).

As a simpleton, though, I'm drawn to the wysiwyg interface of qpwGraph, but it's not clear to me how it's supposed to fit into pipewire's vision or how it interacts with wireplumber. It seems to render the current pipewire graph as it is, it can create/remove links between ports, but also it's not a session manager (right?).

I suspect that whatever I can do in qpwGraph I could also do using just wireplumber via conf files and the cli. But dragging my mouse between nodes is so much easier than learning a new syntax. But then I also don't understand what "Active" and "Exclusive" mean. I'm guessing that if Active isn't checked, it won't do anything at all, but if Exclusive isn't checked then...maybe wireplumber can override it? Does that mean if Exclusive IS checked it's able to override wireplumber (look at me, I am the session manager now)? Is that why, if I have a qpwgraph active that links VLC to both OBS and my headset, I hear/see a delay of the link to my headset when a VLC process launches? First wireplumber decides where it should link, and then qpwGraph modifies it several ms after?

I feel like it's currently not clear what qpwGraph is in pipewire terms, but it's also clearly the most intuitive way for someone to use pipewire right now. I think it would be best if qpwGraph was either a standalone, fully featured session manager (not to be used in combination with wireplumber) or just a front end for wireplumber rather than talking to pipewire directly.

Thoughts? Anyone else confused? Am I missing a piece to the puzzle?

submitted 11 months ago by teawrecks@sopuli.xyz to c/main@sopuli.xyz

Hi, I'm sure this is just a noob lemmy question. I saw on /c/newcommunities@lemmy.world that there's a new YouShouldKnow community: https://sopuli.xyz/post/675270

But when I search for it through Sopuli, it doesn't show up, and if I use the ! link in the top comment, it returns a 404 from sopuli. It seems the sopuli server doesn't know about the community yet, how is it supposed to find out about it? Thanks

submitted 11 months ago by teawrecks@sopuli.xyz to c/memes@lemmy.ml
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