[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 14 points 1 week ago

I think pepole on lemmy vastly overestimate how incredibly non technical the vast majority of population is. Including potential criminals. Still a stupid law tho.

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 15 points 1 month ago

He has a point tho. The amount of copy pasting random shit from the internet into the console is way too comon if you go down the rabbit hole on some issues with the system and find a solution on some abandoned by god itself linux forum. To be fair its usualy just a comand that does shit for you in 5 seconds so you dont have to use gui buuut it does happen and i can tell what this stuff does but the average user likley dosent . Alghtough it might be less common today. Its been quite a long time since i last broke my system.

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 16 points 1 month ago

And that's a reason i can get behind

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Wait the micheline i know but what tire company has supermodel calendars?

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 9 points 5 months ago

Ok look here me out. 100k for cybertruck is absolutely insane. 100k for a meme is worth it

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 10 points 8 months ago

I mean its not only american thing.there are cupholders in european cars..... or there were cupholders. At least My father 2001 Audi has it.

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 10 points 8 months ago

I use both. Lemmy by deafult. Reddit for the few very specific communites Lemmy is lacking . Also questions go to Lemmy since beacuse lemmy is smaller pepole are actually answering you instead of ignoring your questions or mods deleting them beacuse this belongs to the daily thread for small questions or the similars.

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 15 points 9 months ago

I am not suprised in the slightest. They are extremly pointless ,i simply do not really care that somone is on bahamas or whatewers. The only thing i even used facebook for were a specialized groups and Messenger. The only real social media i cared about was reddit and similars simply beacuse they encouraged discussion about stuff and provided anonimity ( and anonimity helps massiviely when your opinions arent exatcly popular ).

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 13 points 9 months ago

I dont know i actualy rarely have those types of scummy videos on my feed. But then again i might have Just trained my Algorithm well.

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 12 points 10 months ago

It might be the average. Some pepole like working from office beacuse they feel lonely at home or they want to separate their work space from their home space.

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 14 points 10 months ago

The big problem with lemmy is that some niche communities did not migrated so when you Look for example for fairphone news you Look to reddit beacuse lemmy dosent have equivalent. Likewise i havent seen something similar to r/tailsof. You know the niche communities that were the bread and bucket of reddit with the few exceptions ( programers and Linux communities fully migrated and are obviusly standing out beacuse those pepole are always first to move to opensource alternatives )

[-] szczuroarturo@programming.dev 10 points 10 months ago

The old soviet legacy. And a bit of actual disasters and from the 2 significant ones (hiroshima and chernobyl) half are beacuse of the soviets.

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