[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago

Why do the $20 subscription when the API pricing is much cheaper, especially if you are trying different models out. I'm currently playing about with Gemini and that's free (albeit rate limited).

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 7 points 5 days ago

That would explain why my MP - not quite climate change denier David TC Davis - has been pulling a lot of duty this election.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 23 points 1 month ago

Self hosting takes time and energy and most open source developers join projects because they are interested in the project not becoming admins. On top of that building a CI system is an expensive undertaking when a lot of hosting solutions provide a fair amount of compute for free to qualifying projects.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 22 points 1 month ago

If the system is SystemReady then the EFI boot chain is fairly straightforward now. My current workstation just booted off the Debian usb installer like any other pc.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 47 points 2 months ago

Buy games from indie developers on platforms like itch.io. You may have a negative view of the other people involved in funding and marketing a triple AAA game but they all contribute and get a share of the retail price. You don't get to pick and choose who deserves to get their slice.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 28 points 2 months ago

It's interesting they've gone from a simple reskin to a downstream fork. I'm guessing there won't be much of value to find though.

submitted 2 months ago by stsquad@lemmy.ml to c/uk_politics@feddit.uk

The long awaited Cass report has been published looking at gender affirming care in the NHS.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 188 points 3 months ago

Don't be too hard on Collin. Looking back on the threads it's fairly clear he's been the victim of a social engineering attack on an overworked maintainer. People were pressuring him to hand over maintainership while expressing disappointment at the slow pace of development. The off-list contact by Jia must have seemed like a helpful enthusiastic solution to a burnt out developer.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 36 points 3 months ago

Well the account is focused on one particular project which makes sense if you expect to get burned at some point and don't want all your other exploits to be detected. It looks like there was a second sock puppet account involved in the original attack vector support code.

We should certainly audit other projects for similar changes from other psudoanonymous accounts.

submitted 3 months ago by stsquad@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 60 points 3 months ago

It's looking more like a long game to compromise an upstream.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 34 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Time to audit all their contributions although it looks like they mostly contribute to xz. I guess we'll have to wait for comments from the rest of the team or if the whole org needs to be considered comprimised.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 43 points 3 months ago

Yes training is the most expensive but it's still an additional trillion or so floating point operations per generated token of output. That's not nothing computationally.

[-] stsquad@lemmy.ml 31 points 3 months ago

While shell based RC systems do offer flexibility they also have downsides including copy and paste leading to subtly different behaviour across units. Dependency resolution was also a bit of a hack on top of scripts to deal with concepts like run levels.

The declarative approach of a proper configuration is a better and more scalable solution.

submitted 4 months ago by stsquad@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 months ago by stsquad@lemmy.ml to c/homeassistant@lemmy.world

Are there any good recommendations for water control valves? I want to control a automatic watering system and need something to attach to the garden tap. Open firmware would be a bonus.


I found this post interesting for my layman's understanding of LLMs and some of the underlying architecture choices that are made.


I wrote this as a layman's primer to the basics of LLMs and other generative AI. I'm still early on in my journey but hopefully it helps explain things to other newcomers even if it glosses over the details.

submitted 8 months ago by stsquad@lemmy.ml to c/uk_politics@feddit.uk

They covered a number of topics but for me the most terrifying was the examples of deep fakery that had already been used in elections.

I wanted to ask the community if they had had any experience with deep fake media online? If so did you notice or did your need to be told it was? How much effort do you take to verify things you see online?

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